Food price measures | The Government includes measures to “contain the price of food” in its third aid package

by time news

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has announced this Sunday that the third package prepared by the Executive for 2023, in order to counteract the socio-economic consequences of the Ukrainian war, it will incorporate mechanisms to “contain the evolution of food prices”.

He said this in an act of the PSC in the Palau de Congressos de Barcelona attended by more than 2,500 people, and together with the leader of the party, Salvador Illa; the first lieutenant of the mayor of the city and mayor, Jaume Collboni, and the deputy first secretary of electoral organization of the PSC and mayoress of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona), Lluïsa Moret.

“I announce that at the end of this year, when we approve the new aid package for the people, the middle class and workers, We are also going to incorporate mechanisms to contain the evolution of food prices“, has affirmed without giving more details about that proposal.

In his speech, Sánchez expressed his chest that his government has managed to “bend the curve” of inflation in Spain, thanks to the so-called “Iberian solution” for the control of energy prices and the reduction of VAT.

The Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Diazalready announced this week that his party is negotiating with the PSOE new measures to deal with the increase in food and mortgage prices, within the framework of the extension of the anti-crisis decree which expires on December 31, but without specifying what they would consist of.

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“We are going to put all the resources, as we did during the pandemic, at the service of the people”, Pedro Sánchez assured this Sunday, who explained that he is committed to this idea “not only for social commitment, but also for a matter of economic efficiency“.

In this sense, he underlined having achieved for Spain to recover the employment levels of before the pandemic in two yearswhile with the “neoliberal formulas” it took ten years, in his opinion, to reverse the destruction of jobs caused by the economic crisis of 2008.

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