Food safety keys

by time news

2023-07-03 09:07:21

An alliance of associations against food intolerances and allergies has released various tips on the correct treatment of food in kitchens. The ultimate goal is to avoid possible complications, guarantee food safety and help chefs in the catering sector

The Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain (DO), at Association of Lactose Intolerants of Spain (ADILAC), the Association of People Affected by Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (AAIHF), the Spanish Association of People with Food and Latex Allergies (AEPNAA) and the Multiallergy, Atopic Dermatitis and Asthma Association (ATX-Elkartea) have come together to launch a project on food safety aimed at the restaurant sector in Spain.

By creating and distributing a poster with a good practice guide in it sector HORECA (hotels, restaurants and cafeterias), the aim is to improve the conditions of people who suffer adverse reactions to food, as well as to facilitate the work of those who are in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, watch out!

Adverse reactions to food are becoming more frequent in the population.

with the motto “In the kitchen, watch out!” of the cartel, the aforementioned alliance of associations has created a series of basic rules that cannot be missing in the kitchens of catering places to guarantee food safety:

It is necessary to review the product labeling to get to know the harmful ingredients that each one contains. The ingredients must be closed and well identified. They are storage must be separate.

You have to have the information of each ingredient. It is required to have a well trained staff.

Los allergens and ingredients that make up each dish must be declared.

The cleaning and separation of utensils and surfaces is essential for avoid cross contact.

Each dish must be prepared in a way isolated to the rest. The adapted dishes They must be identified from the command to their service.

They have also accompanied the list of the most common adverse reactions to food, to facilitate the detection of harmful ingredients in the kitchens.

Campaign poster. Image courtesy of FACE

Most frequent adverse reactions to food

As explained by the FACEceliac disease or celiac disease is a autoimmune-based multisystem pathology. This means that, in addition to harming the digestive system, other organs may be affected. In addition, in the development of the disease our immune system.

develops in individuals generically susceptiblemore frequently in women than in men.

It is caused by ingesting gluten and generates intestinal damage, which can be accompanied by other extra-digestive.

Gluten can be found naturally in the wheatthe barleyhe centenothe spell and the avenaas well as an ingredient in products such as starches and the maltodextrins from gluten-containing cereals.

There is gluten-free bread for celiacs. EFE/David Aguilar

Hereditary fructose intolerance:

Hereditary intolerance to fructose, according to the AIHFis a disease in which the enzyme “aldolasa B”, responsible for breaking down fructose, does not work properly. It is a hereditary pathology with personality autosomal recessivethat is, it is necessary to inherit a defective gene from each of the parents to develop it.

The truth is that the incidence of this intolerance in the population is quite low, since it is estimated that one case in 20.000 personas.

The fructose it’s a sugar It is found in many foods, so the diagnosis is usually made when the person is still a baby.

Naturally we find fructose in the saccharosein the Honeyin the fruits y a lot of vegetables and in the whole grains. In addition, it is often used as preservative and in sugar free products as in the sorbitolhe isomatitol o to tagatosa.

Knowing where these ingredients are found is important to ensure food safety for people with this disease.

Lactose intolerance:

The ADILAC presents lactose intolerance as a ancestral condition which is in almost the 70% of the human population.

In people who have it, lactose is not digested properly and reaches the colon, where intestinal bacteria consume it and generate substances that cause the symptoms of lactose. abdominal pain, bloating and poor digestion characteristic of this alteration.

Lactose is found naturally in dairy products and derivatives. As an ingredient it is present in the lactose monohydratein it milk sugarlos milk solidslos sera y whey And in the milk fats.

Milk and milk products contain lactose. EFE/Jeffrey Arguedas

The most dangerous reaction of all: allergies

A food allergy is the most exaggerated reaction that the body can have to a food.

The AEPNAA explains that the allergen is a harmless substance by itself, it is the immune system of the person suffering from the allergy who creates the defense mechanisms that become harmful.

A allergic reaction It does not occur only when ingest an allergen, but the simple contact and the inhalation They can also trigger it.

Some of the most common symptoms are itching, swelling, tos, sneezing, breathlessness and, in extreme cases, anaphylactic shocks.

Currently there are 14 notifiable allergensWhat are the cereals with glutenlos crustaceanslos eggshe fishlos molluscslos peanutsthe militarylos dairylos nutshe celerythe mustardhe sesamelos sulfitos and the altramuz.

In food allergies, the reaction in the body occurs in contact with the proteins of the products, not with the sugars.

Mild and moderate treatments often involve the use of antihistamines and corticosteroidswhile in the most serious and rapidly progressing reactions, it is frequently used adrenaline.

Shellfish and crustaceans are one of the allergens that must be declared. EFE/Javier Lizon
#Food #safety #keys

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