Foods Linked to Cancer Risk: How Your Diet Can Impact Your Health

by time news

2024-07-05 18:51:23

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There are several causes of a malignant tumor. Family predisposition, spontaneously changing cells, HPV as well as lifestyle and diet can promote the development of cancer.

1/11The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies processed meat and meat products as carcinogenic. Processed in this case means that it is meat that has been preserved by salting, fermentation, smoking or curing, for example salami, ham or sausages. Cured, smoked and fatty meat products increase the risk of colon cancer by 18 percent per 50 grams. © CSH/Imago

Foods Linked to Cancer Risk: How Your Diet Can Impact Your Health

2/11High sugar consumption can only promote inflammatory processes in the body as well as type 2 diabetes and arthritis. Sugar promotes overweight and obesity, which can increase the risk of cancer. Excess body weight is one of the biggest risk factors for colon cancer, thyroid cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer and gallbladder cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), being overweight increases the risk of at least 13 types of cancer. The probability of developing one of these increases with a body mass index (BMI) over 25. It is known that it is even more likely that cancer cells will develop and multiply thanks to the energy from sugar. They absorb up to ten times more sugar than normal body cells. According to the “German Nutrition Association (DGE)”, everyone should not eat more than 50 grams of sugar per day. But it turns out that every German citizen eats on average about 93 grams of sugar every day – almost 34 kilograms per year. Hidden sugars are also found in industrially produced products that you might not suspect at first, such as frozen pizza, collards and meat salad, and tomato soup. © Science Photo Library/Imago


3/11In addition to sugar, pre-prepared burgers often contain trans fats, which can cause weight gain, increasing the risk of cancer. But even a homemade burger with grilled meat can be dangerous: If fat from the meat flows into the ribs during grilling, carcinogenic substances such as benzopyrene and amines are created, which combine with the meat through the smoke and heat. Benzpyrene is assigned to the group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and so-called amines to the group of heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAA). Both are considered triggers for stomach and colon cancer. They are converted in the body into molecules that enter the intestinal cells. They can then cause changes in the genetic material, so-called mutations, which can then grow into malignant tumors, as reported by the “German Cancer Society”. If you want to prepare yourself for the grilling time, it is better to put a piece of foil between the food and the embers. The dangerous carbons can ultimately be created by smoking or roasting, for example in grilled meat, smoked fish, roasted coffee or burnt salami on a pizza. © JuriEber/Imago


4/11Deep frying produces the chemical acrylamide in French fries, which is classified as carcinogenic in animal experiments. “At high doses it also damages the nerves,” asserts Dr. Susanne Weg-Remers from the Cancer Information Service of the German Cancer Research Center. Acrylamide is naturally present in starchy foods produced by frying, baking or roasting and industrial processing at more than 120 degrees Celsius. In addition, fries are often fried in hydrogenated fat, which creates trans fats, which can promote obesity and thus increase the risk of cancer. © foodandmore/Image


5/11Most people love it: nibbling chips while watching a movie in the evening. But it’s only because of the healthier ingredients that you should choose nuts. Like French fries, industrially processed potato chips are often fried in hydrogenated fat. This creates trans fats that promote obesity, which greatly increases the risk of cancer. In addition, the chemical acrylamide is formed during frying, which is classified as carcinogenic by the “German Cancer Research Center”. ©


6/11Frozen pizza can contain sugar as a flavoring agent and trans fats. So far there is no clear scientific evidence that high sugar consumption increases the risk of cancer, according to the “German Cancer Aid”. However, sugar promotes cancer in that it makes you more likely to become overweight – and being overweight increases your risk of 13 different types of cancer. The same goes for fats, especially hydrogenated fats like trans fats. Trans fats have not been proven to increase the risk of cancer. However, they are said to help influence the feeling of satiety, which increases the risk of obesity and therefore cancer. © Bernd Schmidt/Imago

Red pork

7/11The “German Association for Nutrition (DGE)” recommends not eating more than 300 to 600 grams of meat and meat products per week. Red meat in particular is said to be carcinogenic. The heme iron in red meat, mainly beef and pork, may damage the genetic material and promote cell division. Rapid cell division can promote the development of colon cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer. © Imaginechina-Tuchong/Imago

Hot dogs are in a bun garnished with mustard.

8/11Popular hot dog sausages contain nitrates, which in themselves are not dangerous to the body. Things become critical when nitrates are converted to nitrites or nitrosamines. Both substances are considered carcinogenic. This happens as soon as nitrates are consumed at the same time as foods rich in protein. As well as hot dogs, this can also be the case with salami pizza. The nitrate in the salami and the proteins in the cheese can easily convert to nitrosamines. © picture alliance/dpa/Johannes Schmitt-Tegge


9/11Industrially produced baked goods such as croissants often contain trans fats, which can cause hardening of the arteries, stroke and heart attack if consumed regularly. Trans fats are also suspected to promote inflammation in the body. In addition, the hydrogenated fats promote overweight and obesity, which is considered one of the main risk factors for colon cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, thyroid cancer, renal cell cancer, cancer ovarian, pancreatic. cancer, gallbladder cancer and multiple myeloma. © hojo/Image

Two donuts on a plate

10/11Like fries and chips, donuts often contain cancer-causing acrylamide and trans fats. In addition to the high amount of sugar, hydrogenated trans fats contribute to overweight and obesity, which increases the risk of tumor disease. © Tobias Becker /

Bavaria, Germany - 02 February 2023: Krapfen, pancakes or donuts with powdered sugar on a wooden table *** Krapfen, P

11/11The donuts, which are popular in many parts of Germany, contain the chemical acrylamide, which has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Regular consumption of pastries such as doughnuts, which contain unhealthy amounts of trans fats and sugar, promotes obesity and subsequently increases the risk of cancer. © Bihlmayerfotografie/Imago

Cancer is loud German Cancer research center The second most common cause of death in the world, after cardiovascular disease, and more feared than almost any other disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Around 8.2 million people die from tumors every year – in Germany almost 240,000 patients died from cancer in 2021. Experts assume that around 35 percent of cancer cases in Germany are caused by an unhealthy diet.

In addition to genetic predisposition, known factors that cause cancer include cigarette smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, excessive UV radiation or infections with pathogens such as the human papillomavirus (HPV). Although there are risks due to the International Agency for Research on Cancer the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Food Safety Authority classified based on many years of studies, but there is no absolute protection against cancer.

Know your cancer risk: Ten foods can promote disease

Despite the statistics, cancer cannot be predicted or ruled out for an individual. Even those who reduce or avoid suspected carcinogens in their diet, exercise regularly, do not smoke, or drink little or no alcohol, can develop a malignant tumor .

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death German cancer aid Certain lifestyle and dietary habits are recommended to reduce the risk of cancer:

  • Vary your meals and try a wide variety of foods.
  • Focus mainly on plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grain products.
  • Choose fresh, locally produced foods and pay attention to seasonal availability.
  • Reduce your consumption of industrially produced sugar.
  • Limit meat consumption and avoid processed meat products.
  • Incorporate fresh fish into your diet at least once a week.
  • Replace harmful trans fats with healthy fats such as olive oil.
  • Avoid spoiled food, especially moldy products.
  • Prepare your meals gently by not overheating or frying them.
  • Avoid being overweight.
  • Do regular physical activity to promote your health.
  • Take your time with your meals and enjoy them for at least half an hour.
  • Drink about two liters of water or unsweetened drinks every day.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption or, ideally, avoid it altogether.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol to reduce your risk of cancer.

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This article contains only general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not replace a visit to the doctor in any way. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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