Foods That Increase the Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack: 7 Foods to Avoid for Healthy Arteries

by time news

2023-07-17 17:00:00
Increased Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack: Seven Foods That Can Clog Blood Vessels

Created: 07/17/2023, 17:00
By: Judith Brown

Certain foods can promote calcification and blockage of the blood vessels. This increases the risk of a stroke.

In order to supply the organs and cells of the human body with sufficient nutrients, a thousand liters of blood are pumped through arteries and blood vessels every day. However, in a condition known as arteriosclerosis, deposits of fat, cholesterol, and calcium block the arteries. Due to the narrowed or clogged blood vessels, the circulation is made more difficult. This can have serious health consequences and increase the risk of circulatory disorders and thus stroke, heart attack, or kidney damage. Even if there are various triggers for the disease, the cause is usually an unhealthy diet.

An unhealthy diet can lead to atherosclerosis. This increases the risk of a stroke.

Atherosclerosis mainly affects older people and develops slowly, over years. The trigger of so-called arteriosclerosis lies in particular in an unhealthy lifestyle with the wrong diet. Certain foods clog arteries and lead to vascular changes – with fatal consequences. It is therefore better to keep your hands off the following foods or reduce your consumption:

1. High-fat dairy products clog arteries

Dairy products are rich in protein and nutrients such as iodine, calcium, folic acid, and vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, and B12. Fermented milk products, in particular (e.g. buttermilk, yogurt, kefir), are good for intestinal health, as they regulate the intestinal flora with health-promoting probiotics. However, dairy products such as butter, whole milk, or particularly high-fat cheese have a high proportion of saturated animal fats. Due to the high cholesterol content, they can increase the risk of hardening of the arteries and the resulting heart disease. Therefore, reduce the consumption of, for example, cream, butter, cream cheese, and condensed milk or eliminate these foods completely from your diet if you want to prevent a stroke. Instead, use plant-based milk alternatives or low-fat cheeses such as sheep’s milk or goat’s cheese.

2. Red meat promotes calcification of blood vessels

The consumption of red meat, such as beef, pork, rabbit, and game, also promotes hardening of the arteries. Processed meat is also a concern. Because sausage, salami, bacon, or ham, for example, contain large amounts of sugar, salt, saturated fatty acids as well as preservatives and additives. These ingredients are deposited in the form of cholesterol on the walls of the blood vessels and can cause the LDL cholesterol level to rise rapidly.

3. Frozen pizza contains trans fats, which contribute to clogging of the arteries

In addition to trans fats, ready meals such as frozen pizza also contain white flour, refined oils, salt, sugar, and preservatives. Trans fats alone already contribute to a blockage of the blood vessels and thus promote coronary heart disease. In combination with the other ingredients, they also lead to inflammation in the body and other diseases.

4. Fried foods like fries, croquettes, or schnitzel are bad for the blood vessels

Fried foods also contain pro-inflammatory trans fats that clog arteries. French fries, schnitzel, and croquettes should therefore only very rarely be on the menu. In this way, you can regulate your cholesterol level and at the same time prevent arteriosclerosis.

5. Baked goods and sweets should only be consumed in moderation

Caution should also be exercised when eating certain baked goods and sweets when it comes to the health of your arteries. Because just like finished products or fried foods, they contain harmful trans fats and hardly any fiber. This can lead to inflammation in the body and clogged arteries. Since these products also contain a lot of sugar, their consumption leads to obesity. As a result, arteriosclerosis can develop in turn. In addition, high sugar consumption boosts fat production in the liver. This can not only result in a fatty liver but also in increased cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. All of these conditions are contributory factors in hardening of the arteries.

Cholesterol is too high: 10 foods to avoid right now

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment, or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about clinical pictures.]
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