Foods that push the brain to eat too much and continuously –

by time news

2023-08-12 07:47:36

by Elena Meli

How to satiate mind and body while on a diet: satiety is blocked by foods rich in sugar and fat. That’s why

A diet that is too rich in fat disrupts the mechanisms by which the brain regulates calorie intake: a recent animal study published in The Journal of Physiology found it according to which astrocytes, brain cells that support neurons, control the signals between the brain and the intestine and would therefore be responsible for regulating food consumption.

Junk food causes the brain to eat

Research has shown that with a diet that is too rich in fat, the astrocyte signals that control caloric intake in the short term and therefore, for example, lead us to decide the menu for the next meal, jump: foods with a high fat content , like junk food, if they are an integral part of the diet for a consistent period of time (from 10 to 14 days in the experiment on mice) they make the astrocytes insensitive to the sense of satiety that should be induced by fats and lead to uncontrolled eating , because the brain’s regulation of appetite is lost. in fact it is essential that it is the mind that is satisfied, if we want a diet to work: the more foods are processed and transformed, the more possible they are a drug for the brain and it becomes difficult to do without them.

The satiating power of nutrients

Therefore, for example, when having to buy industrial or prepared foods, it is advisable to read the list of ingredients on the label and, in addition to evaluating their quality and quantity, choose products with the shortest list: the more ingredients there are, the more likely they are less healthy and it becomes difficult to control its consumption. Satiating foods keep hunger under control for longer and naturally reduce portions and caloric intake; the satiating power is different for the various nutrients and greater for fats and proteins than for carbohydrates.

Strategies to trick the brain

The portions are also fundamental, because in addition to the quality and frequency with which the food is eaten, the quantity matters above all, and again the brain takes its toll on it: psychological satiety helps a lot to the success of the diet because if we think we have eaten little appetite will return sooner.
To reduce portions intelligently, for example, you can use smaller crockery, because seeing a full plate deceives the brain; also never eat something directly from the package, but always serve a portion in a small plate or bowl in order to better control the quantities consumed.

Fed up with liquids?

With drinks it is even more necessary to pay attention to signs of satiety: fruit juices, for example, are a good way to introduce precious micronutrients, but they are not very satiating and therefore must be introduced with criteria in a slimming regime. Juices and sugary carbonated drinks are to be limited, because they bring a lot of calories and are not filling, except at the moment; the same goes for alcoholic beverages, which contain a lot of calories but have scarce nutritional properties, therefore not very suitable if you want to lose weight, and for zero drinks with artificial sweeteners which, despite being zero calories, do not have any long-term benefit on weight loss. A good intake of liquids is essential for health but in order not to add unnecessary calories, it is therefore advisable to drink above all water and then coffee, tea (pay attention to the quantity) and unsweetened herbal teas.

August 12, 2023 (change August 12, 2023 | 07:47)

#Foods #push #brain #eat #continuously

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