Foods with “sunshine vitamin” to prevent early death | health | Essential information for better health | DW

by time news

New studies have discovered that “vitamin D” extends the life of a patient with cancer. Thus, foods enriched with this vitamin began to find their way to the market, especially in the United States, Canada and Finland, the leading countries in this field.

Based on this theory, a team of German experts at the Research Institute for Cancer Diseases (DKFZ), under the supervision of Professor Hermann Bernier, studied the situation within Europe, taking into account the laws adopted in the pharmaceutical and food products industry in 34 European countries.

In a detailed report published by the institute from its headquarters in Heidelberg last May, experts concluded that about 27,000 cases can be saved annually from early death if enhanced amounts of “vitamin D” are taken with foods eaten daily.

Prof. Brenner explains that the proportion will reach about 9 percent of incurable cancer cases in Europe.

The German doctor stressed that “vitamin D” should not be viewed as a magic recipe to get rid of or prevent a malignant disease, because there are no studies with clear results confirming this, but rather it is a way to prevent premature death, and does not “in any case” compensate for treatment from disease, says the source.

How does vitamin D protect against premature death?

In an interview with the website of the “ntv” channel, Tobias Niedermayer, a member of the research team, says that “vitamin D” suppresses cancer cells and prevents them from multiplying, as well as suppressing the chronic inflammatory reaction, and this gives the patient a greater possibility of resistance to the disease.

The problem is that the foods we eat rarely contain this type of vitamin, and even if it is found, it is in a weak amount. The sun remains the main source of “vitamin D”, which is why it is called the “sunshine vitamin”.

The German Cancer Research Institute advises sunbathing for ten minutes a day, without covering the extremities and the face, and even without using sunscreens.

What is the ideal amount?

Niedermayer says in the press interview that when the body derives this vitamin from sunlight, it only takes what it needs, and stops producing the vitamin when it is saturated, which prevents the collateral damage that the body may face when obtaining excessive amounts.

But in countries where the sun sets, as is the case in Europe, the doctor advises cancer patients to take up to 4000 milligrams of this vitamin on a daily basis. There are concentrated tablets that contain up to 20,000 milligrams per pill. It is preferable to take one pill for twenty days only, according to the expert, Niedermeier.

That is why doctors believe that adding the vitamin in prepared foods would be the best solution because it prevents the “overproduction” from reaching, which could cause a number of damages.

Scientists open a new door for food producers in the European market.

W.B/ A.H

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