Football: Corinne Deacon claims compensation corresponding to the salary of Didier Deschamps

by time news

The French Football Federation (FFF) still has two coaches under contract for its French women’s team. If one, Hervé Renard, has been unanimous since taking power, the other, Corinne Deacon, continues to remain on the radars of the Federation despite her ousting on March 9 by the Comex. The former coach of the Blues has not received a letter of dismissal. According to L’Equipe, his lawyer sent a letter to the council of the FFF claiming the salaries due to Deacon until the end of his contract, in August 2024, all accompanied by compensation for the damage suffered.

The amount claimed would be around 6 million euros, although there is a desire to negotiate with the Federation. “We discovered in the collective sports agreement a principle of equal pay for men and women,” said Christophe Ayela to L’Equipe. The pay gap between the coach and the coach is 1 to 8 (Deacon receives 350,000 euros annually). We raised this point in our request. We want pay equity. »

Deacon’s advice also fails to understand why female players would be paid less than their male counterparts. He also accused Jean-Michel Aulas of being “judge and jury” in the case, on the grounds that the president of OL had announced that he wanted the departure of the ex-coach, like his player Wendie Renard, at the origin of the movement launched by the Bleues, when he sat on the FFF’s executive committee.

Aulas replied that it would be “sexist” and “restrictive” to claim that he could have “influenced” Wendy Renard and her teammates. “We are not penalizing Corinne because the Federation pays her salaries. There is no harm,” he added.

“The FFF is now playing the rot, also advanced to L’Equipe the lawyer of Deacon. No solution is offered to Madame Deacon. We have a ludicrous situation with two coaches in office. He is not even allowed to find a new job. »

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