For an innovative hybrid economic model

by time news

2023-11-05 11:49:07

Meeting for an innovative Burundian economy. President Ndayishimiye brought together key economic players in Muyinga to discuss ways to strengthen Burundi’s economic self-sufficiency. This initiative marks a decisive step towards reducing imports and promoting local resources.

Buhumuza (Muyinga), November 4, 2023 – In harmony with Burundian economic policy, HE Ndayishimiye Evariste, Major General and President of Burundi, invited to a large audience traders, entrepreneurs and businessmen to discuss strategies contributing to the building ofa robust economy. They shared their ideas for overcoming current economic challenges, with particular emphasis on promoting local products. The Head of State’s wish is that the types of locally produced concrete reinforcing bars are no longer imported.

L’ – Honey – is the traditional socio-economic system of the Barundi. Damaged during Belgian colonization, this system officially disappeared with the genocide against the Bahutu of Burundi between 1972 and 1973replaced by a western market economy that Burundians are still struggling to appropriate today. Le Mwami, the traditional head of state of Burundi – the Kingdom of Burundi –with the heads of all the Burundian imiryangosdefined the needs of the population. The Mwami then asked to Bapfumu scholars among the Banyamabanga Barundi to develop precise, fair, balanced and harmonious planning -the Ubumu-. So, the Bahutu produced the necessary resources pour meet these defined needswhich were fairly redistributed by fair managersTutsi –. The Mwami, helped by the Baganwa, Batware, etc., then traveled the country to ensure social harmony provided by this socio-economic plan – Ubumu – . In case of problems or injustices, he would ask to the World Regulatory Secretary. This system did not need money, therefore no banks.

Today, with the Western market economy established in Burundi since the genocide against the Bahutu Barundi in 1972the world, including Burundi, is led by traderswhile with Ubumu, these are des savants Secretaries who were responsible for developing the planning. The Ministry of Planning is now integrated into the Ministry of Finance, and not into the Presidency. We operate in a monetary universe, populated by consumers and sellers, very different from Ubumu.

As part of ubumu, traders, entrepreneurs and businessmenthe only ones invited by the presidency to this meeting, belong to the corporation of resource producers within Burundian societyor more precisely to the Barundi trades corporationwhose members are referred to as “ Hutus » you Bahutu.
However, these invited economic actors represent only a minor fraction of Burundian Bahutu. They were exclusively invited because Burundi’s current economic system, based on the Western market economy, particularly favors their group to the detriment of all others.

In conclusion, HE Ndayishimiye should consider reintegrate Ubumu into the base of the Burundian economy, make it its own, all in adapting to the market economyto create thus an innovative and futuristic economic model in today’s world.

Sources: Nahimana P., Sunday, November 5, 2023 | Photo : Ntare Rushatsi House

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