For bone and brain health, you should only drink one cup of this drink per day

by time news

Milk is well-known for helping to maintain bone health, and while it is well known that calcium in milk is an important building block for bones, it is not the only important source when it comes to bone health, and milk is not necessarily the best way to consume calcium.

It is scientifically known that vegetables such as kale and broccoli have higher rates of calcium absorption. What is new is that if a person wants to drink a drink that is beneficial for the bones, he can drink from one to four cups of tea a day, according to a report published by Well + Good.


Increased bone mineralization

Clinical Dietitian Su Xiaoyu says, “The main bone benefits of drinking tea are due to its powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. The powerful polyphenols found in tea have been shown to help increase bone mineralization, delay reduction in bone mineral density and increase vitamin D levels in the body. “

“Catechins also help protect the body’s bone-building cells, while flavonoids have estrogen-like properties that help prevent bone loss,” Yu adds.

Yu advises that in order to reap these benefits, you can have black or green tea, as these are the types of tea that have been covered in most studies on tea and bone health, explaining that it doesn’t really matter if the tea is taken hot or iced.

It should be borne in mind that “tea is excellent for maintaining many other bodily functions, other than bone health, with age, as it supports a healthy heart, mind, focus, and enhances mood because it contains a high content of flavanols, which contribute to lowering protein cholesterol,” says Yu. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol.



heart and brain

For her part, nutritionist Neva Cochran says that drinking tea can reduce the risk of heart disease, explaining that “the catechins in tea also help protect the body from free radicals, which benefits the whole body and of course the brain as well, including better memory and concentration. “.

Cochran noted that an article published in the Journal of Phytomedicine cited findings from 21 separate studies on green tea, reporting that the availability of caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid associated with calmness and focus, along with catechins, makes the tea a great drink for promoting brain health.

The right amount per day

In general, research studies on bone health have indicated that one to four cups of tea per day is an adequate amount, Yu says, but it should be kept in mind that drinking tea is just one component of healthy bones.

Yu adds, “There are many other nutrients, which are just as important for bone health, and include calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin K, to name a few.

It is essential that one strive to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of different foods and food groups to obtain adequate nutrients to support bone health,” she said.

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