For expiring green passes hypothesis extension or third dose of vaccine-

by time news
from Laura Cuppini

For those vaccinated in January, the deadline is October. Until then, all green passes are valid. The Ministry of Health will consider how to deal with this issue

The first to receive the vaccine in January were doctors and health workers. Among them there is concern about the imminent expiry of the green pass. What could possibly happen?

The certificate is valid for 9 months from the date of the second dose and 12 months for the recovered. For those vaccinated in January, the deadline is October. Until then, all green passes are valid. The Ministry of Health will evaluate in the coming days how to deal with the issue, given that at the moment the third dose has not been authorized in Italy. One of the hypotheses on the table is to extend the green pass until a decision is reached on the timing and methods of the eventual recall. It will also have to be decided whether to use the vaccines we have today or the new anti-variant formulations under study.

Who could receive the third dose of the vaccine?

The technical-scientific committee for the Covid emergency has expressed itself in favor of further vaccination for immunosuppressed subjects, such as cancer patients on active therapy or transplant recipients. Another category for which the opportunity for antibody reinforcement is evaluated is that of the over 60s. As the age increases, in fact, the response to the vaccine decreases.

In which countries is the recall proceeding?

Israel led the way, starting bookings for the over 60s and going down gradually for age groups (now it’s up to the over 40s). While the virus continues to run in the country, 1.3 million people have received the third dose of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. The Israeli Ministry of Health has also provided immunization with the booster for teachers, health workers in contact with the elderly and pregnant women. Germany has announced that from September it will propose a recall to the most fragile (using only mRna vaccines) and London is also studying a plan for after the summer. In Russia anyone who has completed the vaccination course for at least six months can receive a new injection. In Hungary it can be applied for after four months. France offers the third dose to the immunosuppressed, followed by over 75 and frail patients. According to a study conducted in Israel, the booster would be 86 percent effective in over 60s.

What is the position of Europe and the United States?

The EMA (European Medicines Agency) stated that at this stage it has not yet been determined if and when a booster (i.e. a third dose, ed) vaccines will be needed. The Agency is analyzing the data as it emerges and then issuing a recommendation to the Member States. The United States gave the green light to the administration of the third doses starting from September 20, 8 months after the second injection. Only mRna vaccines will be used and frail subjects will be given priority. The WHO’s opinion is clear: At the moment the data do not indicate the need for a third dose, said Soumya Swaminathan, chief scientist, explaining that the priority is to increase coverage in countries that still have little access to vaccines.

August 21, 2021 (change August 21, 2021 | 22:59)

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