“For God’s sake”: after the criticism of his flight to vacation in Paris, Lapid gets things sorted

by time news

Chairman of the opposition Yair Lapid Took off this morning (Thursday) together with his wife Leah for a vacation in Paris. This, a moment after the swearing in of the new government, after the disclosure of the legal plan of Yariv Levin, when the High Court is debating the appointment of Aryeh Deri as minister and leftists are protesting outside the Supreme Court. His flight drew many criticisms on social networks, and Lapid decided to put things in order.

In a post published by the opposition leader on his Facebook page, he wrote: “On Wednesday night I worked until late, as always. On Thursday I went for a weekend with Leah. Thursday to Sunday morning. I don’t know if I deserve it, but I’m sure she does. It was the craziest year-and-a-half of our lives.”

He said that his wife did not join him on official trips abroad, “neither as foreign minister nor as prime minister”. He added: “We didn’t have big plans. To see an exhibition, to have a romantic dinner, to walk a lot. But then it turned out that a lot of people had a lot of things to say about it. They decided that if I’m not here for two and a half days, that means I’m not committed to the struggle for Israeli democracy. I hate to defend myself and I hate to complain, but there is a limit.”

“My whole life is dedicated to the fight for Israeli democracy. There is nothing more important to me,” said Lapid. “I have lost millions of shekels and added thousands of white hairs, but I do not regret it for a moment. The fight for the sanity of the State of Israel is a sacred task. It is a great privilege to lead the people who have decided that they will not give up. It does not occur to me for a moment to back down, give up or make compromises. It did occur to me that after leading a military operation, an agreement with Lebanon, a tense daily management of the campaign in Jenin and Nablus, a difficult election campaign – I want to take two and a half days to breathe for a moment, think for a moment, walk hand in hand with my lover through the streets of Paris and ask her how she is coping.”

I paid from my own money for the plane tickets, we paid for the small apartment near the Eiffel Tower, and also for the meals and the traditional gift for Yeali. I understand that there are those who suspect me of enjoying myself. They are right,” said Lapid. “We both needed this trip like air to breathe. On Sunday, I return to continue the struggle with all my might, until we topple this terrible government.”

He concluded: “There is only one condition that must be met for this to succeed – that we stop harassing each other, stop performing purity tests on each other, and instead fight together against the real risk: a dark government with a weak prime minister, which threatens to destroy common life in Israel.”

As mentioned, the flight of the former prime minister and the current opposition leader drew many criticisms. Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and member of the Knesset on behalf of Shas Ariel Bosso scolded: “Instead of going to the bridges you fly? Not serious.” Radio broadcaster Yevgeny Zarubinsky also commented to Lapid’s flight and said: “Macron has not been to Paris as many times as Lapid in the last two years.”

At the same time, there were also voices that supported Lapid’s trip. on behalf of Benny Gantz It was reported that “there is nothing wrong with opposition leader Lapid taking a 3-day vacation. Everyone needs freedom after a busy period. And here’s a spoiler – I also intend to take a few vacation days later. I wish Yair and Leah that they have a great vacation, and that they return here to continue the fight for our democracy, which will last a long time and require a lot of energy.”

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