For healthy kidneys.. eat these 13 foods

by time news

The kidneys, two fist-sized organs, act as a “filter” that gets rid of all the things the body doesn’t want. They get rid of toxins and excess fluid while maintaining the levels of potassium, sodium and other elements required to maintain a healthy body. At the same time, it produces hormones that help regulate blood pressure and bone strength, among many other functions.

In fact, however, the kidneys can be greatly overworked, leading to chronic kidney disease in some people, which can cause waste and fluid to build up in the body.

Bad eating habits increase the risk of these diseases. But when the best foods that promote kidney health are eaten, the opposite may be true.

The list of foods to add to the diet for optimal kidney health, according to CNET, includes the following:

Fatty fish

Fish provides protein, and when you choose fatty fish like tuna, salmon or trout, the body also gets omega-3 fatty acids. According to the US National Kidney Foundation, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood and may also lower blood pressure.

Salmon (Istok)

If a person has chronic kidney disease, they will need to monitor the levels of phosphorous and potassium in the fish they choose to eat.

– cabbage

Cabbage is a nutrient-dense vegetable that is low in both potassium and sodium while also containing fiber and vitamins C and K.

– Pepper

Sweet peppers contain a lot of good nutrients with low levels of potassium. It also provides the body with vitamins B6, B9, C and K, as well as fiber and antioxidants.

sweet pepper (istock)

sweet pepper (istock)

– Cranberries

Cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections, which can travel from the bladder to the kidneys. Taking it regularly can help avoid this unwanted situation.

Cranberries also contain antioxidants that can help fight inflammation and can promote heart and digestive health.

– blueberry

With high levels of antioxidants and large amounts of vitamin C and fiber, blueberries are absolutely healthy. It can also help reduce inflammation, support bone health, and reverse some of the problems that can come with chronic kidney disease.

Blueberry (iStock)

Blueberry (iStock)

Dark leafy vegetables

You can resort to dark leafy greens, such as spinach or kale, to get a lot of nutrients that can help get essential vitamins and minerals, in addition to the benefits of strengthening the immune system.

However, care must be taken as some vegetables can contain an adequate amount of potassium. If a person has chronic kidney disease, a doctor should be consulted before adding more of them to his diet.

– olive oil

It is rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, and can enhance one’s overall health. A study from Harvard University discovered that olive oil may lower cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, and some types of cancer.

olive oil (iStock)

olive oil (iStock)

– garlic

It contains a specific compound called allicin, which is another antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory food. For people with chronic kidney disease, allicin is just as effective at helping protect kidney health as prescription medications. And if a person is looking for the best foods for the kidneys, garlic should be on the list.

– Onions

In the same family as garlic, it makes another excellent, salt-free way to add flavor, with added value when fried in olive oil.

Onion (iStock)

Onion (iStock)

Onions also provide important nutrients such as vitamins B6 and C, manganese and copper. It contains quercetin, a chemical that can help the body fight disease, and organic sulfur compounds that can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.


Cauliflower contains a lot of vitamins C, B6, B9 and K, along with fiber. It also contains compounds that the body can use to neutralize certain toxins – which helps a lot when the kidneys aren’t doing their best.

However, it does contain some potassium and phosphorous, so people with chronic kidney disease should limit their intake.

– Egg whites

Egg whites are specifically recommended for people with kidney problems. It provides good levels of protein, which can be especially important in later stage chronic kidney disease, especially if the patient is on dialysis.

– watercress

Watercress is known to be full of nutrients the body needs such as magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins A, B9, C and K. Plus, it’s rich in antioxidants and contains glucosinolates, which can help the body protect itself from a range of cancers.

Arugula (iStock)

Arugula (iStock)

– An apple

Apples provide quercetin and cancer-fighting fiber that can help keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels at healthy levels. It also contains a lot of antioxidants.

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