For her first trip, Elisabeth Borne praises the emancipation of women

by time news

She could have made a “20 hours”, addressing all the French during a television news. Or hold a press conference to draw up his roadmap, at the start of Emmanuel Macron’s second term. But she preferred to play it safe. Three days after her appointment, Elisabeth Borne chose to make her first trip as prime minister to Les Mureaux (Yvelines), Thursday, May 19, to address subjects that she masters at her fingertips.

Social integration, assistance schemes to integrate the job market, equal opportunities… The one who succeeded Jean Castex at the head of the government carried out her first flight on familiar ground, giving the impression of to still be in the costume of Minister of Labour. A position she had held for almost two years, before settling down at Matignon.

During this visit to a popular district, Mme Borne did not last long, remaining less than two hours on site. During the exchanges she was able to have with representatives of associations and beneficiaries of the various aid programs, a red thread constantly came back: the emancipation of young women through work, with the concern to offer the same chances for everyone to get out of it, whatever their background. “I cannot accept that a young person stays on the side of the road because he does not have the right address, the right codes, the right networks”, she said, praising the “one young person, one solution” program and the youth employment contract. Devices introduced by the State in recent years and which she piloted when she was at the Ministry of Labor.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elisabeth Borne appointed to Matignon: the majority relieved but unenthusiastic

“There is still work to do”

Insisting on its desire to continue to ” to help “ young people, especially women, to find a job, she gave the procedure to follow to the young girls who listened to her: “You have to first gain confidence in yourself, then have dreams. And it is our responsibility to accompany you to help you achieve them », she continued. Mme Borne recalled that it echoed her own journey, which she described as « difficile ». She who was fatherless at the age of 11, then on a scholarship, which allowed her to do brilliant studies, in particular by integrating the Polytechnic school. Meritocracy, therefore, it knows. “In the end, I owe everything to the Republic and to our country and so that’s why it’s close to my heart, this chance that we can have in our country to realize our dreams”she insisted.

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