For its 10th anniversary, the Defender of Rights registers a record number of complaints

by time news

The Defender of Rights will not really have time to blow out his 10 candles. Established by the organic law of March 29, 2011, it is indeed awash in files. Its 2021 report, unveiled on Tuesday, notes that this independent authority is facing an unprecedented level of complaints since its creation, mainly linked to the Covid-19 health crisis.

It now has more than 870 reception points in France and abroad. It can also collect complaints relating to five major themes: the rights of the child, whistleblowers, the fight against discrimination, but also respect for ethics by the security forces and that of the rights of users of public services.

Social protection and security at the top of the demands

In ten years, the Defender of Rights has received around one million complaints, including almost 115,000 in 2021 alone, i.e. an overall increase in requests of 21% and an “unprecedented level”. Complaints handled last year related in particular to social protection and security (22.1% of complaints handled), foreigners’ rights (17.1%) and traffic law (11.6%).

The effects of Covid-19 also motivated numerous requests. Throughout the year, “while recognizing the importance of vaccination in the fight against the pandemic”, the Defender of Rights Claire Hédon “deplored the progressive erosion of our freedoms and the cohesion of society. “while” social inequalities and precariousness have only worsened “.

Its 231 agents noted in particular, through the instruction of the referrals, “the persistent and particularly worrying effects on the children of a health crisis established over time”. Part of the annual report is precisely dedicated to the mental health of children and to the Defender of Rights’ appeals to the authorities on the imperative of “increased vigilance”.

A platform to fight against discrimination

The Defender of Rights has also received “several dozen complaints” from agents suspended by health establishments for non-compliance with the vaccination obligation even though they were on sick leave. “Discrimination based on the state of health”, according to the institution.

In the fight against discrimination, a dedicated platform was created on February 12, 2021 ( Designed, supported and piloted by the Defender of Rights, this system which offers remedies for victims of discrimination, also includes a telephone number, 3928 and mobilizes associations, trade unions and State services. competent. In December 2021, the platform recorded 14,000 requests and allowed, according to the report, a 22.2% increase in referrals on this topic.

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