for lack of allies, Russia renounces the vote on a resolution at the UN

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The context

Live hosted by Anne Guillard and Marie Slavicek

  • The Russian army entered Ukrainian territory exactly three weeks ago and, after advancing on several fronts, the lines have stabilizedThursday, March 17.
  • Ukrainian authorities claimed that Russia on Wednesday destroyed the Drama Theater of Marioupol, in which more than a thousand people had taken refuge, including many children. The bomb shelter in which the civilians were was not destroyed, according to two Ukrainian MPs, who add that the majority of people who were refugees there are fine.
  • The deadly attacks by the Russian army have continued throughout Ukraine. The debris of a missile shot down over Kiev Thursday resulted in the death of at least one person and left three injured. Russian troops are still trying to encircle the capital and have increased bombardments against residential areas since the beginning of the week, killing at least six people.
  • Despite the Russian bombardments and the fighting, talks between Kyiv and Moscow continued, Wednesday. Several Russian officials have floated the idea that Ukraine’s neutrality, on the model of Sweden or Austria, could be a compromise – which kyiv rejected, as it would not bring benefits. “absolute security guarantees” to his country in case of attack.
  • Volodymyr Zelensky receives a standing ovation from the Bundestag. The President of Ukraine urged Germany to tear down the new “wall” erected in Europe against freedom since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. He regretted the close economic relations forged in recent years between Berlin and Moscow, particularly in terms of energy. These projects led by Germany and Russia, “it was the cement for the new wall”. He recalled Germany’s hesitation when it came to imposing some of the toughest sanctions on Russia for fear it would hurt the German economy.
  • Russia says it has honored a claim of $117 million. This first tranche of interest linked to bonds amounting to 117 million dollars (106 million euros) has been paid, announced the Russian finance ministry. The deadline for payment was March 16, and was missed by Russia, raising fears of an early default. This was the first deadline in a series, the others of which are expected in March and April.
  • Joe Biden said Wednesday of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, that he was a “war criminal”. The President of the United States has confirmed the sending of 800 million dollars (the equivalent of 725 million euros) of additional military aid to Ukraine. A little earlier, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, had challenged him to ask him to establish a no-fly zone above his country. Mr Biden believes such a move would be too big of an escalation.
  • nearly 700 civilians were killed since the start of the war, and more than 1,110 others injured, according to the UN. Since these figures are very difficult to verify, especially when fighting or bombardments are still taking place on the ground, the UN insists on the fact that its daily reports are probably much lower than the reality.

Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine:

March 16 Live can be found here.

Reportage. Today, Mariupol is an open hell

To analyse. Russia takes first step towards default

Your questions. The answers of the “World” to your most frequently asked questions

Story. Questioned by Volodymyr Zelensky, Joe Biden increases military support for kyiv

History of a concept. Siege warfare, a weapon to terrorize civilians

Chronic. “Countries considering falling out with the Western alliance may be inclined to hold fewer reserves”

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