For lack of Russian gas, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands are relaunching coal-fired power plants

by time news

To compensate for the drop in Russian gas supplies, which could lead to a possible shortage, the energy company Gazprom gradually cutting off the tap, Austria announced on Sunday evening that it would reactivate a disused coal-fired power station. Same conduct for Germany, which announced on Sunday a probable increased use of coal, nevertheless ensuring that it intended to abandon this polluting energy in 2030. And this Monday, June 20, it was the Netherlands which decided to lift the restrictions coal-fired power generation.

In the Netherlands, since January, Dutch coal-fired power plants could not operate at more than 35% of their maximum capacity, with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions. Also, ” the cabinet has decided to immediately lift production restrictions for coal-fired power plants from 2022 to 2024 “, announced the Batavian Minister of Climate and Energy Rob Jetten during a press conference, relates Le Figaro. ” This means coal-fired power plants can run at full capacity again instead of the 35% maximum ».

In May, the Russian gas company Gazprom announced that it was stopping deliveries to Dutch supplier GasTerra, partly owned by the Dutch state, following the firm’s refusal to pay in rubles.

« I want to emphasize that there is no acute shortage of gas at the moment “, in the Netherlands, insisted Rob Jetten. ” However, more countries are now under pressure [de la Russie] “, he said. And to add: This worries us. Because of these concerns, I am announcing today a Level One Gas Crisis: Early Warning “. Even though the highest level is level three, he said, “ for the moment, the risk of doing nothing is too great “. The Dutch minister also underlined that his country had “ prepared this decision with [ses] European colleagues in recent days ».

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Austria reactivates Mellach thermal power plant

The Austrian government, meanwhile, plans to restart a coal-fired power plant located in Mellach, which closed in the spring of 2020, reports BFMTV. However, he wanted to eliminate this source of energy by producing 100% electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

« It was agreed [avec le groupe Verbund, principal fournisseur d’électricité du pays] to reactivate the thermal power station “currently at a standstill, the goal being” that it can again produce electricity, from coal, in the event of an emergency “, announced the chancellery in a press release. A process that should take several months, said the Ministry of the Environment interviewed by the APA press agency.

« Our primary goal is to secure the country’s supply “, whose gas comes 80% from Russia, justified the conservative chancellor Karl Nehammer, who governs with the Greens. “ This is to replace the missing Russian gas with other sources or suppliers in order to be able to continue to build up reserves ».

A “short-term” turnaround for Germany

« The situation is serious “Said Sunday in a press release the Minister of Economy and Climate, Robert Habeck. Germany will also increase its use of coal-fired power plants to mitigate the risk of a Russian gas shortage, reports Les Echos. A turnaround for the coalition government of Olaf Scholz, which also planned to phase out coal by 2030. A goal that the German government nevertheless wants to maintain. “ Coal exit in 2030 is not wavering at all […] we may have to restart coal plants […] which will naturally lead to increased CO2 emissions, so it is all the more important that we basically stick to our schedule “, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Economy and Climate, during a press conference in Berlin.

In this interval, to reduce gas consumption, less gas must be used to generate electricity. Instead, coal-fired power plants will have to be used more “Said the German Ministry of Economy on Sunday. ” It’s bitter, but it’s essential to reduce gas consumption “, argued the Ecologist Minister of Economy and Climate Robert Habeck, who promises that this use of coal will only be “ provisional “. The revival of coal-fired power stations will be “ a short-term measure “, over a period ” limited “, Until 2024, also assured Monday the spokesperson for the Ministry of Economy and Climate, Stephan Gabriel Haufe.

Gazprom having reduced deliveries via the Nord Stream gas pipeline this week by 40%, then by 33%, the German government has adopted these emergency measures to secure its supply. Even though Germany has reduced its exposure to Russian gas, it continues to import almost 35% of its gas from Russia (compared to 55% before the start of the conflict).

If the Member States of the European Union have denounced gas blackmail by Vladimir Putin, while the continent wants to take advantage of the summer to fill its stocks, the Kremlin has repeatedly explained that the suspensions or reductions in Russian gas deliveries are the consequence of hostile acts conducted against Russia, particularly in the economic and financial field.

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In France, for political figures such as François Asselineau, president of the UPR, the accusations of blackmail brought against Russia constitute an adversarial inversion (a well-known technique of psychological manipulation, particularly in the courtrooms, which consists of blame others for the consequences of their own actions).

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