“For me, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo was a saint”

by time news

2023-06-03 07:13:11

The cross : How did you meet Philippe Pozzo di Borgo?

Genevieve Jurgensen: In the early 2000s, I was working for Bayard editions and I received by post a manuscript signed by a certain Philippe Pozzo di Borgo who was a complete stranger to me. I took advantage of a train trip to read it and I immediately had the feeling of having a marvel in my hands. I remember thinking to myself: “He must have sent it to lots of other publishers and his book is going to pass me by. »

The story, his story, was that of the improbable encounter between a wealthy quadriplegic and a young beur from the suburbs whom he called his “guardian devil”. The manuscript had to be put in order, but I knew there was gold in it. And when I called the author, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I was the only publisher to whom he had sent his book. There followed long working sessions of which I have wonderful memories.

At the time, he was already suffering a lot, from the consequences of his accident and his handicap of course, but also from the disappearance of his wife, his great love, who had died of cancer some time earlier. And yet, he managed to show an elevation of soul, a grace, an ability to laugh, to share with others that is rare. For me, he is a saint. And when I say that, I’m not exaggerating.

Was his first book “The Second Wind” a success?

G. J. : The book was released in the summer of 2001 and sold around 12,000 copies, which does not rank it on the bestseller list but still shows that it had found its audience. And at Bayard editions, we were very satisfied with the result for a book that did not have an easy subject written by an unknown author.

Then time passed. I had changed jobs to work at the magazine Our time when one day, I come across an article that reports the success of the comedy “Intouchables” inspired by the life of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo.

I immediately call Frédéric Boyer, director of Bayard editions to let him know. But ten years have passed and Philippe Pozzo has regained his rights. Frédéric therefore called him back to get his agreement for a reissue, which he immediately accepted. “Today, I have the choice of my publishers, but I am signing again with Bayard who gave me my first chance”, he said. After the historical success of the film, the book was in turn a phenomenal success, with hundreds of thousands of copies sold and translations into almost every language.

You also edited the latest book by Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, “Le promeneur immobile”, released last fall by Albin Michel. How did it go ?

G. J. : We found ourselves like old friends with the same pleasure as twenty years ago. This book did not have the same impact as the first. It’s a more interior, more poetic book, a bit like the last letters that Philippe sends us from Morocco where he settled.

I am very grateful to him for the trust he has placed in me on two occasions. He often told me that his life was not worth much before his fall. Personally, I don’t believe that misfortune elevates a man in all cases. But that’s what happened to him. He experienced his disability as a revelation.

#Philippe #Pozzo #Borgo #saint

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