For Morena and allies, 364 legislators in San Lázaro

by times news cr

The Commission on Prerogatives and Parties will present today a draft opinion that grants the qualified majority to Morena and allies in shaping the next Legislature of the Chamber of Deputies.

The coalition of Morena, PT and PVEM It would have 364 multi-member legislators with a relative majority, which means exceeding the limit of deputies needed to modify the Constitution.

For its part, PRI, PAN and PRD, who competed as Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México, would be the second force with 108 seats. It is noteworthy that the Sol Azteca would only have one deputy by relative majority, since it did not obtain enough votes to maintain its registration.

A Citizen Movement 27 deputies would be assigned to it and one would enter the lower house as an independent. This proposal must still be approved by the General Council of the INE and probably from the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF), in case it is challenged.

Amid a bombardment of pressure from the ruling party, the opposition and former electoral authorities, the National Electoral Institute (INE) is preparing to assignr 200 plurinominal deputies.

Regarding the Senate, Morena and allies would have 83 seats, which would leave them two senatorial votes short of a qualified majority.

According to sources consulted, the draft opinion contemplates applying the principle of maximum overrepresentation of 8% per party and not per coalition, as was the demand of former presidents of the IFE-INE, opposition parties and civil organizations, among which the following stand out: Pink Tide.

The assignment by literal reading of the Constitution will automatically give the qualified majority to Morena, PT and PVEM, because the block of the 4T will exceed 334 legislators.

This Wednesday afternoon, the Commission on Prerogatives and Parties will submit for approval the project for the allocation of legislators by proportional representation, while the General Council will discuss the opinion next Friday.

The debate in the General Council of the INE is not the end of this matter, since the parties have 48 hours to challenge the allocation of plurinominals before the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF), an instance that in its session of August 28 will decide the final configuration of the Chamber of Deputies.


The opposition parties, the Pink Tide, former presidents of the IFE-INE and members of the 4T, from Claudia Sheinbaum and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, they have called on the electoral councillors and magistrates to assign the plurinominal seats according to different principles.

The former presidents of the IFE-INE considered that the current councillors should “carry out the most comprehensive, complete, systematic and functional reading of the constitutional precepts.”

José Woldenberg, Luis Carlos Ugalde, Leonardo Valdés and Lorenzo Córdova, who have had the responsibility of organizing elections from 2000 to 2022, as well as the former presidents of the Electoral Court, José Alejandro Luna Ramos, María del Carmen Alanís and Leonel Castillo, pointed out that the current councilors should not give the qualified majority to Morena and its allies.

Former INE advisor, Javier Santiago Castillo, in an interview with 24 HORAS, expressed a different position and indicated that in the federal electoral processes of recent years the criterion of overrepresentation by party has been applied, so this is what would be expected from the ruling on the allocation of 200 plurinominal deputies, although each advisor will issue his reasoning next Friday.

“As an electoral official, you have to adhere to what the law says. Constitution, and it must also be said that the rules are not necessarily fair, but they are the rules established in the Constitution and it must be said that they were not drawn up or approved by Morena, they were drawn up or approved by a majority of the PRI and the PAN,” said the former INE advisor, Javier Santiago.

He added that the “PAN and the PRI thought that they would be the only parties that would always have to come to an agreement to reform the Constitution, And it turns out that reality changed and led to other coalitions having that preponderance, but we have to say where the origin is and who benefited from that distribution.”

For the former councilor Javier Santiago Castillo, In previous elections, other coalitions benefited from the maximum overrepresentation of 8% allowed by law per party, and did not change it, so he considered that on this occasion the only “stone in the shoe” for Morena and its allies is the possible lack of three senators to reach the qualified majority and be able to reform the Constitution in the upper house.

2024-08-22 10:14:26

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