for Noël Le Graët, it’s time to leave

by time news

President of the FFF, Noël Le Graët (here, January 7), aware of no longer being audible, prepares his exit and plans, on Tuesday, a communication plan, in order to explain his choice. Sandra Ruhaut/Icon Sport/ABACA

The president of the FFF must, barring a last-minute surprise, submit his resignation on Tuesday.

The meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, at 10 a.m., at 87, boulevard de Grenelle, Paris headquarters of the most powerful sports federation in the country. Noël Le Graët, big boss of the FFF since 2012, will present, except for a huge surprise, his resignation during an executive committee which will be a milestone in the history of French football. After several months of turbulence and a sometimes overwhelming audit, the 81-year-old Breton leader, isolated as ever, has resolved to step down. State of play before a decisive day. For an imminent change of era.

Noël Le Graët, behind the scenes of an expected resignation

For several weeks, the “Menhir” has felt the wind turn and realizes that it can no longer perform its function. To those close to him and to certain members of the comex, in recent days, the former PS mayor of Guingamp has confided in wanting to lay down his arms, while he still ruled out this possibility at the start of the year, at the height of the media storm. . If he considers himself to be the victim of injustice, but also of a false trial against him, and shows himself in private a desire to be able to defend himself against the accusations of moral and sexual harassment of which he is the target, “NLG” is above all conscious of no longer being audible.

Faced with repeated requests from his family to leave the front of the stage, and from relatives at the FFF who are turning their backs on him, the Breton leader is preparing his exit. This Tuesday, he has also planned a communication plan with three media, in order to explain his choice. A first speech since the report of the audit of the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (IGESR), on February 15. Dropped and put under pressure by the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, who invited him to “making the right decisions”Noël Le Graët, whose office at the FFF had not been emptied on Monday, would not wish, according to the latest information, to cause the total resignation of his executive committee in his fall, even if the attitude and the media outlets of certain l have been quite annoyed lately.

The succession battle is brewing

“The problem is that there is no longer a leader, and this situation is felt every day”, advances a disillusioned employee of the federation. Between a cornered president, a general manager, Florence Hardouin, close to a dismissal and a Philippe Diallo, interim president, in an uncomfortable situation, the vagueness turns out to be total. One thing is certain, the big and small maneuvers began several weeks ago behind the scenes. Proof of this is the resignation last Thursday of Jamel Sandjak, president of the Paris-Ile-de-France League and member of the comex, a declared opponent of Diallo, who would not be … against running for the presidency of the 3F soon. A possible scenario. Like others. If “NLG” resigns without taking his executive committee with him, Diallo would have a good chance of continuing his mission until June 10, the date of the future federal assembly. In the event of a favorable situation, the Sciences Po Paris graduate could even be able to return until the end of 2024, the date of the end of the term of office planned for Le Graët. But nothing is certain. This situation does not delight everyone in the mysteries of the institution. “Each prepares his weapons, exchanges and negotiatesadvances a regular of the place. All the shenanigans started a long time ago.” In private, it is said that Jamel Sandjak is doing everything to bring about new elections in the next two months. The name of Jean-Michel Aulas, member of the comex, also comes up insistently. The latter refutes “for the moment”, this possibility.

Deacon file, succession of Le Graët, speech of Hardouin… An explosive agenda

As if the subject of the more than likely resignation of Noël Le Graët were not enough, another burning theme will arise on Tuesday: whether or not Corinne Deacon will remain in her position as coach of the Blues. Protected by “NLG” but little appreciated at the FFF and in selection, the latter is isolated after the decision of major players (Renard, Katoto, Diani…) not to play for the France team as long as she is in office. The divorce is consummated. The situation is explosive, five months before the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand (July 20-August 20) and a year and a half before the Olympics. A resignation of Deacon, in the face of pressure, cannot be ruled out. Jean-Michel Aulas, president of OL and influential member of the comex, does not hold her in high esteem and will not hesitate to dismiss her if necessary. Atmosphere. Another file that is talking about within the FFF, the expected speech of Florence Hardouin, Friday, in various media. The director general, engaged in a dismissal procedure, intends to be heard publicly. The next few days promise to be epic, historic but above all once again explosive at the French Football Federation.

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