For or against freedom of thought*?

by time news

* the verb to think

EDITORIAL – The positioning of MIVILUDES (the interministerial mission for vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations) could not be clearer: the answer to the question I asked in the title of my present editorial is non. Definitely not.

Indeed, for this group of experts heavily paid by our taxes, to think about the possible possibility that the official version which is proposed to us by the power in place, with the assistance of the highly subsidized media, is in reality a mystification of the truth or even simply a manifest error of assessment which goes against logic and common sense, is a disturbance of public order, or even an offence.

And soon outright a crime?

These iconoclastic Cerberus of freedom of thought brush aside any challenge to the dox, including reasoned and on the basis of irrefutable and verifiable elements by the person.

Have they forgotten that we are in the country of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen? It is based, among other valuable safeguards, on the independence of powers (executive, legislative, judicial and the press).

And these words do not come to me only because of the holding of the MIVILUDES meetings, this Thursday, March 9, 2023. I affirm here the shortcomings of this mission mainly because of the definition that it gives of “sectarian drift” :

“It is a deviation from the freedom of thought, opinion or religion which undermines public order, laws or regulations, fundamental rights, the security or integrity of persons. . It is characterized by the implementation, by an organized group, whatever its nature or activity, or by an isolated individual, of pressures or techniques aimed at creating, maintaining or exploiting in a person a state of psychological or physical subjection, depriving him of part of his free will, with harmful consequences for this person, his entourage or for society. Several criminal offenses can be committed in this context, whether they involve attacks on persons (eg sexual assault, violence) or attacks on property (eg extortion, breach of trust).”

And here is what MIVILUDES has just added on this subject in its latest report:

“MIVILUDES underlines a general evolution of the phenomenon with the multiplication of small structures and the emergence of ‘gurus 2.0’, isolated and autonomous manipulators who spread their doctrine on social networks, particularly in the field of health, well-being and care. The health crisis has certainly been fertile ground for these movements. This period, marked by several confinements and difficult economic and social situations, favored the emergence of discourse exploiting isolation. By calling into question science and the credibility of health authorities, these discourses put public health at risk.”

Yes. And it is therefore unfortunately in a way that could not be more logical, that among this gang of licensed master censors, we find two of the three claimed nickel-plated feet in the fight against conspiracy: Rudy Reichstadt and Tristan Mendès France.

What a surprise ! Good people (putative) that they are, these two prevaricators hasten to invite themselves into these entities financed by the taxpayer, supposedly of public utility, which work for the control of the single thought, and where the speakers who raging there are highly remunerated for their fabrications.

And for good reason !

Include in what they call “conspiracy”, in the definition that MIVILUDES gives of sectarian aberration (“misappropriation of freedom of thought, opinion or religion which undermines public order, laws or regulations, fundamental rights, security or the integrity of persons”), it is not only to call into question, to limit, for the opposition, the possibility of publicly contesting the merits of the position that the political majority puts forward as being decisions that go in the direction of economic, military, ideological, social, et cetera of Maison France and the French people.

Include what they call “conspiracy” in this definition, it is also to completely withdraw their effectiveness from these fundamental principles, which are nevertheless guaranteed by the Constitution, which are freedom of thought and freedom of opinion.

This, therefore, to the detriment of anyone who does not agree with the true merits of the decisions which, in the name of the sacrosanct democracy to which these despots at heart claim, the majority in power imposes on the totality of citizens.

Hence the determination of these “white collar dictators”to repeat in loop, in the media mainstreamlike echolalia and in all possible forms of their public materialization (still images, audio messages, videos, TV spots, false debates, etc.), the travesty in all respects of the truth that, belligerent towards their detractors, they shamelessly claim to be the faithful and accurate presentation of the truth.

Because these disciples of the inventor of modern propaganda (Edward Bernays) and of his most assiduous discipline Joseph Goebbels who claimed the use “American and American-wide methods” to get Hitler elected), when it comes to following his methodology in what is now commonly called social engineering, these gentlemen and ladies know that, alas, this is indeed a truth that is 100% genuine : Narratives can consolidate memory, shape emotions, signal heuristics and biases in judgment, and influence group distinctions.

And since the bigger it is, the more it works, they never take half measures. Quite the contrary.

However, it could not be easier to put an end to what these plotters shamelessly call “conspiracy.”

It is enough for that to understand and accept that it is the government which generated it and which maintains it today with its awkwardnesses, its errors and its lies which sow the doubt and which make reap the storm which constitutes the wind legitimate dispute resulting therefrom.

Call this wind “conspiracy” is above all a way of prohibiting debate. To close it before it even takes place. To say from the start that it is closed.

However, the debate, the art of discussion, is precisely what the French are asking for. If there was a conspiracy or if the conspirators were right, we would wonder where the criminal instructions on these reprehensible actions are. There are none. It is therefore time to stop the trials of intent which contribute to the anxiety of the French.

Main source of inspiration for MIVILUDES spawners, “Narrative Networks” has three parallel lines of research and development in this area:

  1. developing quantitative analytical tools to study narratives and their effects on human behavior in security contexts;

  2. analyze the neurobiological impact of narratives on hormones and neurotransmitters, reward processing and emotion-cognition interaction;

  3. and developing models and simulations of narrative influence in social and environmental contexts, developing sensors to determine their impact on individuals and groups, and suggesting doctrinal modifications.

Therefore, watch out! We definitely have to prepare for the worst. Autocrats can’t stand having their authority challenged. The orders they give to submit without thinking.

But don’t mind. The motto of the Republic of France being “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, rulers normally have a duty to ensure the freedom linked to free and informed consent. They also have the same duty to respect the status of conscientious objector, and this without breach of equality.

Yes, gentlemen! Yes, ladies! You must at all costs avoid the obscurantism linked to decisions taken by the defense council.

As you know, any differentiated treatment between vaccinated and non-vaccinated results in a break in the second motto note word. It’s not nothing. As for fraternity, it is your duty to enforce it at all times and without any abuse of majority.

And you, Emmanuel Macron, do not be the President who constantly tramples on the formula that the people have raised to the rank of motto of the Republic. Otherwise the French will not forgive you for having lost their absolute compass:

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

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