For or against: were the health restrictions against Covid-19 lifted too soon?

by time news

YES / “The virus is still circulating too strongly”

By Pr Antoine Flahault, epidemiologist and director of the Institute of Global Health at the University of Geneva (Switzerland).

There remained until March 14 two health measures: the vaccination pass and the wearing of a mask in closed places. To remove them, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, had proposed that health objectives be achieved: an incidence of less than 300 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, less than 1,500 patients in intensive care and a reproduction rate (the “R” ) less than 1. We can clearly see that not all of these indicators are respected, and yet these measures have been lifted. The health pass was above all an incentive to vaccinate. Today, even if the whole population is not yet vaccinated, it seems difficult to go further. It therefore seems reasonable to lift the vaccination pass, especially since the vaccine has a limited impact on transmission.

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On the other hand, the mask represents a good means of limiting the circulation of the virus, and it is all the more effective as its wearing is generalized. Since March 14, it remains compulsory only in transport and health establishments. But from the moment this obligation is lifted in companies, schools or even stores, the relaxation spreads, and it ends up no longer being worn as correctly in transport either. This is what is happening in Switzerland, for example, where reductions have already been implemented.

Let’s not forget that there are still many adults and children at risk of developing serious forms, due to their comorbidities or because they are immunocompromised. These patients can protect themselves with well-fitting FFP2 masks. But it will be very stigmatizing if they are the only ones doing it. They are also at risk of being infected at home by their relatives. For all these reasons, it would have been appropriate to postpone the end of the mandatory mask, especially in business, and to stick to the health indicators recommended by the Minister of Health. The virus doesn’t care about the dates decided by politicians…

NO / “We have enough hindsight”

By Benjamin Davido infectiologist and Covid-19 referent medical director at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches (Hauts-de-Seine).

The easing of health restrictions makes sense. We have enough hindsight on certain relief measures – particularly in restaurants and with the reopening of nightclubs – even as the decline in hospitals continues. The French are largely covered and this will lead to a vaccinal and natural herd immunity which should be obtained at the end of April. Why not follow up on other more permanent measures in order to anticipate “the life after”? The virus will find it increasingly difficult to circulate. The risk of being infected even for immunocompromised people is reduced, as is the probability of developing a severe form and being hospitalized after contracting the Omicron variant.

Today we have almost à la carte solutions: new vaccines (Novavax), monoclonal antibodies for prevention and treatment, etc. The idea is not to impose measures on fragile and vulnerable people, but to refocus the management of the health crisis on them. We have to plan for something more acceptable to the population as a whole.

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I’m sure we’re going to have a fairly quiet summer. Obviously, I remain very cautious: no one had seen the Delta wave last summer. Even if the conditions were right to create a new wave, they would be counterbalanced by herd immunity. At the same time, we must also focus on the indicators that matter: the number of patients hospitalized and in intensive care. Moreover, it is important to look at the number of deaths, we never talk about it. But it remains too important daily. It will have to be taken into consideration and the church put back in the middle of the village. This figure should be included in the health policy criteria.



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