For Sacha Houlié, the vote of Macronist deputies for RN vice-presidents was an “error”

by time news

2023-09-23 16:25:08
Macronist deputy and president of the law committee Sacha Houlié, July 6, 2022, at the National Assembly. ARTHUR NICHOLAS ORCHARD / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

“From now on they have the functions, they are representative, and it is difficult to exclude them without victimization on their part. This is a big difficulty for us. » The vote of majority deputies which allowed the National Rally (RN) to access two positions of vice-presidents of the Assembly at the start of the legislature was a ” error “regretted on Saturday September 23 the deputy for Vienne and president of the law committee, the Macronist Sacha Houlié (Renaissance).

“There is a whole strategy of legitimizing the National Rally, [autour de laquelle] we could have made mistakes” et, “clearly”the “vote for RN deputies for vice-presidents” was one of them, said Mr. Houlié on France Culture.

If the parliamentarian, a figure on the left wing of the presidential party, understands “the idea that everyone [ait] right to fair representation according to the ballot boxes”he will abstain for his part “to vote for RN elected officials”if the question were to be asked again, as it did at the start of the mandate.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Macron camp tried to remove the RN from its key positions in the National Assembly

The office of the Assembly, which brings together, in addition to the president, vice-presidents, quaestors and secretaries, must be renewed on October 2. A meeting of group leaders must be held on Tuesday around the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, to see if an agreement is emerging in favor of a renewal of the office in its current composition, without a vote.

If environmentalists called on the majority to remove the two RN vice-presidents from the office, Ms. Braun-Pivet clearly spoke out for the status quo, during the Renaissance parliamentary days last week.

The World with AFP

#Sacha #Houlié #vote #Macronist #deputies #vicepresidents #error

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