for Sophie Binet, “nothing is written in advance”

by time news

2023-06-04 03:18:28

Sophie Binet has not said her last word on pension reform. In an interview at Sunday newspaper from June 4the secretary general of the CGT insists on the importance of the mobilization, two days before the fourteenth day of action planned at the call of the inter-union.

“Nothing is written in advance for the CGT. So far, we have thwarted all predictions, she says. It’s been six months that the inter-union is mobilized, it’s huge. The consequences will depend on the level of mobilization on Tuesday and the vote on June 8. I therefore call on everyone to take to the streets. »

The National Assembly must consider, Thursday, the bill tabled by the group Freedom, independent, overseas and territories (LIOT), which mainly aimed to repeal the decline in the legal age of departure from 62 to 64 years, but which was emptied of its substance, on May 31, in the Committee on Social Affairs.

“We have scored crucial points: we have won the battle of consciences, put unionism back at the center and caused Emmanuel Macron to lose all social and political majority. And, yes, I confirm it: there is still time for him to come to his senses and renounce this reform.she assures.

“Emmanuel Macron takes a step back on the far right”

If the opposition amendments to reintroduce the repeal of the postponement of the legal age to 64 are rejected under Article 40 of the Constitution, emptying the vote of the Liot bill on June 8 of its substance, “it will be a pure democratic scandal”she warns. “Never has there been such an obstacle on a bill”she judges. “It is unprecedented and it would create a heavy precedent”insists the union official, saying to herself “very worried about the rise of the far right”. “If she comes to power tomorrow, these authoritarian maneuvers will be able to become a school”she fears.

Asked about the words of Emmanuel Macron who reframed Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne for having described the National Rally (RN) as“Pétain’s heir”she judges that “It’s extremely shocking”. “This confirms that Emmanuel Macron is doing the short scale on the far right when he was elected to block him. The RN has never been higher than since he came to power. He bears an overwhelming responsibility.”.

Regarding the government’s plan to condition the payment of the active solidarity income (RSA) to compulsory hours of activity, Mme Binet sees a “scandalous stigmatization of people deprived of employment”. “When you have 530 euros a month, you don’t live. It is not a privilege that allows you to bask in the pill”she judges.

New face of the CGT since his election as its head two months ago to succeed Philippe Martinez, Sophie Binet welcomes a form of unity found during the fight against pension reform, in a union marked by fractures between reformists and radicals. She announces “30,000 new union members since the beginning of the mobilization”and calls for greater unionization. “Let’s not wait for things to come from above”she concludes.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Sophie Binet at the head of the CGT, an asset for a union in crisis

The World with AFP

#Sophie #Binet #written #advance

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