For the Borne government, “a vague roadmap, a clear political objective”

by time news

Che is a paradox: if he has been fueling depoliticization for five years, through his art of blurring the tracks and dividing lines, Emmanuel Macron continues to do politics, concentrated on equations and calculations with a trebuchet, behind the walls of the Elysee.

The composition of the “Borne I” government is a further demonstration of this. If the team’s roadmap is still very vague, its primary objective is clear: to win the June legislative elections, and to obtain a majority, as large as possible, at the end.

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The appointment to national education of the historian Pap Ndiaye in place of Jean-Michel Blanquer, cannot be explained otherwise, independently of the qualities of the eminent academic, specialist in the social history of the United States, particularly that of minorities. Basically, the two men defend two visions: one, a tireless slayer of communitarianism, of “wokism” and a supposed “Islamo-leftism”, carries a rigorous vision of French-style universalism and secularism; the other, who studied in the United States and founded the Circle of Action for the Promotion of Diversity (Capdiv), denounces the “structural racism”as “an attitude of denial about police violence” in France. Pap Ndiaye had also taken issue with the term Islamo-leftism, which according to him did not designate “no reality” at University.

Avoid a Melenchonist wave

This strange transfer of power illustrates the plasticity of Emmanuel Macron, who was not stingy with 180-degree reversals during the previous five-year term – on nuclear power, on identity, on the question of liberalism or statism . It also sends a signal to the left, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) threatens to send many deputies to the National Assembly in June.

It is indeed from the left united under the aegis of the “rebellious” that comes this time the threat, while the Les Républicains (LR) party is on the ground, when it has not been swallowed up by the macronian boa. After a first five-year term spent triangulating with the right, the President of the Republic – who noted that the neighborhoods had voted overwhelmingly for the leader of La France insoumise in April – is now tempted to triangulate with the left.

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If the appointment of Pap Ndiaye can indeed seduce the latter – Jean-Luc Mélenchon has rented a “great intellectual” –, she is already electrifying the far right, which has been in retreat since her defeat in the presidential election. Marine Le Pen immediately denounced a “assumed indigenist”calling for the election “A maximum of deputies from the National Rally [RN] to protect our youth from the worst ideologies”while Eric Zemmour criticized a “woke intellectual”. By waving this rag road in the face of the RN and Reconquête!, two movements obsessed with identity issues, the Head of State – who wants to avoid a Mélenchonist wave in the legislative elections – reactivates the confrontation with the far right, including Elisabeth Borne denounced, Friday, on TF1, the critics “perfectly cartoonish”.

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