For the first time at the gynecologist: Don’t panic

by time news

2023-09-30 00:02:00

First visit to the gynecologist. Young Page author Valentina Perner had a gynecologist explain to her what was important.

Many young women and girls are not exactly looking forward to their first gynecologist appointment. There are things floating around in your head that friends have said to you or that you have read on the internet. The gynecologist Marion Höllriegl, who runs an office in Salzburg with her colleague Sarah Moser, told me what’s really going on.

First of all: You don’t have to go to a gynecologist without reason. Reasons for this would be that you want to find out more about contraception, that you have severe menstrual cramps or that you want to have a cancer smear done at least one year after your first sex.

An example: I decide to have sex soon with my responsible and loving boyfriend. How do I explain this to my parents? Höllriegl’s tip is: “Allay parents’ fears! The first appointment with a gynecologist does not mean that your little girl is now having regular sex with boys at parties. No, it means that your child is responsible and is thinking about preventing pregnancy and infectious diseases.”

If your parents are against you going to the gynecologist, you can take your own initiative. In principle, from the age of 14 you can decide for yourself about medical treatments.

For many girls, the thought of undressing in front of a stranger is certainly a horror idea. Höllriegl can provide relief here: you can do anything at the first appointment, but you don’t have to do anything. You can wear whatever you feel comfortable in. But one tip is the dress, because you don’t feel completely exposed in it because you just have to pull it up. The doctors see women undressed downstairs every day and certainly don’t remember what the labia looked like or whether the woman was shaved.

A pill prescription can also be given without an examination. And if you haven’t had sex yet, you don’t have to have a vaginal ultrasound – or you can have it done from the outside of your stomach.
Anyone who has their period can also make the appointment and have themselves examined. The gynecologists are used to women bleeding, they can deal with it. But if you want to, says Marion Höllriegl, you can simply ask if you can reschedule the appointment.

So now you are lying in the treatment chair. For example, the gynecologist explains to me that she uses a duck-billed speculum to go into the vagina for a cancer smear to make the cervix visible. She then uses a small brush to do the smear. There is already a slight feeling of pressure, some say it hurts. But this part is already the most unpleasant part of the gynecological examination.

The smear test should be done every year. It is so important because uterine cancer is very easy to prevent if you get regular checks. As a preventative measure, you can also get vaccinated against human papilloma viruses (HPV). These can also cause anal cancer, penile cancer, genital warts and head and neck tumors. Therefore, the HPV vaccination is also recommended for men. This vaccination is free up to your 21st birthday.

Now the next dilemma: You want to have sex and call the practice, but the next available appointment is months away. Then you can also turn to women’s advice centers: they are well connected and can help. In an emergency, the pill can also be prescribed by your family doctor, but you should still make an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible.

You can see: everything is uncomplicated. Many women before have felt the same nervousness. The doctors are there to support them. The first visit to the gynecologist is a small step in the wonderful life of a woman.

Valentina Perner (20) comes from Nußdorf am Attersee and is
Intern in video journalism.

#time #gynecologist #Dont #panic

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