For the first time in four months: Netanyahu’s bloc reaches 61 mandates Ma’ariv survey

by time news

Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu was released from Shaare Tzedek Hospital yesterday and reported that he is feeling well. A dramatic poll of mandates by “Maariv-Sophashavu” will greatly improve his feelings, as the shares of the right-wing bloc he leads are on the rise, and for the first time since July – Netanyahu again reaches the level of 61 the mandates.

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According to the survey, conducted by the Panels Politics Institute under the management of Menachem Lazar, if the elections for the 25th Knesset were held today, the Likud party led by Netanyahu would climb in mandate and rise to 32 mandates, while Sis Atid, led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid, would weaken in mandate and decrease From 24 to 23 mandates.

Religious Zionism – Otzma Yehudit, led by Smotrich and Ben Gvir, continues its trend of strengthening and rises in the current poll from 13 to 14 seats, perhaps under the influence of the latest series of attacks, and becomes the third largest party.

It is ahead of the state camp led by Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa’ar, which returns to 12 mandates, compared to 13 in the previous poll.

Maariv survey (Photo: Maariv Online)

Further to the picture of mandates, the ultra-orthodox bloc maintains stability: Aryeh Deri’s Shas with 8 mandates, and also Torah Judaism led by Moshe Gafni with 7 mandates.

Yisrael Beitenu led by Avigdor Lieberman maintains stability this week as well with 6 mandates. There are no changes in the left bloc either: the Labor party led by Merav Michaeli and Meretz led by Zehava Galon, who signed a surplus agreement this week, remain unchanged with 5 mandates each.

At the bottom – the joint Hadash-Ta’al group receives 4 mandates, as in previous polls, as does Ream led by Mansor Abbas with 4 mandates.

Ayelet Shaked, led by the Jewish Home, is admittedly below the blocking percentage, but in a strengthening trend. This week the Jewish Home party reaches 2.4% compared to 1.9% in the previous poll. If the trend continues, it may pass the blocking percentage by election day on November 1.

The one that continues to sink is Balad led by Sami Abu Shahada, yesterday the Supreme Court discussed the appeal she filed against her disqualification. Balad drops from 1.6% to only 1.2%. Economic Freedom led by Abir Kara (0.9%), the Economic Party led by Prof. Yaron Zelicha (0.6%) and Young People on Fire led by Hadar Mokhtar, which is fading away with only 0.3%, are also on the weakening trend.

In terms of the blocs: the Netanyahu supporters bloc increases by 2 mandates from 59 to 61, the Netanyahu opposition bloc weakens from 57 to 55 mandates, and between Hadash-Ta’al – with 4 mandates.

Map of the blocs (photo: Maariv Online)Map of the blocs (photo: Maariv Online)

What is the reason for the strengthening of the right-wing bloc? The increase was caused by the addition of a mandate to both Likud and the religious Zionist party – Otzma Yehudit. 2 additional mandates are mainly due to an increase in confidence in voting in the Netanyahu bloc and willingness to go out on election day and vote, alongside a corresponding decrease in the Arab parties. On the other hand, Yesh Atid’s mandate has weakened to 23, and so has the state camp down to 12 mandates.

705 members of the panel of Panel4All respondents participated in the survey to conduct research on the Internet. The survey was conducted on October 5, and it was conducted on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, Jews and Arabs alike. The maximum sampling error in this survey is 3.7%.

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