For the first time in Israel – a national conference to eradicate violence in Arab society

by time news

The conference was attended by Minister of Internal Security Omar Bar-Lev, Deputy Minister of Internal Security in charge of violence in Arab society on behalf of the government Yoav Segalovich, MK Mansour Abbas and Rahat Mayor Faiz Abu Sahiban and other senior officials.
The Minister of Internal Security, Amar Bar-Lev, said in his speech, “In September, I ordered the Israeli police to collapse crime families in Arab society, reduce the number of murder victims and increase the number of seizures of illegal weapons. Some said I was “sandaling” myself with promises that would be very difficult to keep. But I knew that by setting a clear goal and a straightforward compass, we could do any challenge. ‘

Today less than half a year later – the results are already visible in the field. According to Bar-Lev, last February, more than 150 suspects were arrested in Arab society for shootings and possession of illegal weapons. Also, 54 drug dealers were arrested, and more than 135 pistols, over 30 M16 rifles and about 24 Kalashnikov rifles were seized. By the end of the proceedings, more than 70% of the main crime targets marked by the police had been arrested, headed by the head of the crime family, Nasser Hariri from Taibeh, who turned himself in to the police on Tuesday. In addition, three significant smuggling incidents from Jordan were thwarted. Eleven ready-to-operate explosive devices were also seized.

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