For the fourth time in a row: ‘Netanyahu Bloc’ with 62 • Gantz loses two mandates

by time news

26 days to the elections: A new survey conducted by the Direct Falls Institute and published this evening (Thursday) on the main edition of Channel 14, shows that the Netanyahu bloc will hold 62 seats – which makes it possible to establish a right-wing government led by Netanyahu, while the Lapid-Arab bloc receives only 58 seats.

According to the survey, Likud is stable with 35 seats, there is a future for Lapid with 23 seats.

Gantz’s state camp loses two mandates compared to the previous survey – and receives only 11 mandates.

The religious Zionist list together with Ben Gabir and Avi Maoz receives 11 mandates – no change from the previous survey. Shas led by Aryeh Deri with 9 mandates and Torah Judaism led by Yitzhak Goldknopf with 7 mandates.

All of the following lists receive a low number of mandates and may endanger the votes of Gush Lapid and the Arabs: Yisrael Beitenu led by Avigdor Lieberman is stable with 6 mandates, Labor led by Merav Michaeli, which barely passed the threshold in the previous poll, increases by 1 mandate – and receives 5. Meretz led by Zehava also Galon increases in mandate and receives 5 mandates.

Closing the list: Hadash-Ta’al with 4 mandates and Ra’am which also receives 4.

There are no surprises in the segment of parties that do not pass the threshold: the Jewish Home led by Ayelet Shaked with 2.2% (a slight decrease of 0.2), Balad with 1.6%, Young People on Fire 0.97%, the Economic Party 0.47% and Abir Kara’s Economic Freedom with 0.34% .

According to the survey, the division into blocs looks like this: the Netanyahu bloc and the right-wing parties with 62 seats for the fourth time in a row. On the other hand, Gush Lapid and the Arabs stands at only 58 mandates and continues to distance itself from the ability to form a government if the elections were held today.

Photo: Channel 14

Who is best suited to serve as prime minister?

Benjamin Netanyahu – 51%, Yair Lapid – 36%, Benny Gantz – 10%, undecided 3%.

Who do you think will benefit or lose in the gas deal being forged with Lebanon? 51% believe – Lebanon will benefit, Israel will give up; 34% – both sides will compromise; 9% believe – Israel will benefit and Lebanon will give up; 5% I don’t know.

Can the current transitional government discuss and approve political agreements? 53% – no, 45% – yes, 2% no position.

The sample was conducted by Shlomo Filber and Zuriel Sharon through Direct Polls LTD for Channel Now 14, on October 6, 2022, among 591 sampled adults (18+) who are a representative sample of the entire population in Israel. The statistical sampling error +4.4%

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