For the lawyer of the pregnant Russians, “Florencia Carignano sought to generate fear”

by time news

Florence CarignanoDirector of Migrations, assured that the entry of pregnant Russians is being investigated because there is “a mafia that has associated crimes.” “There are very powerful gangs, there is a lot of money behind this”complete.

In this context, the team reprofile communicated with Christian Rubilarlawyer for the Russians delayed in Ezeiza, who spoke about the situation of their clients.

“In a war situation opportunists always appear and these are the mafias that are being talked about,” said Rubilar, who later completed: “Another thing is different is that of the girls because it was found that They did not hire any trafficking network and that they were the wives of Russian defectors.”.

“They only stopped them because they were women who were alone and without the escort of a man, it is a scandal”the lawyer fired. “The people that I represent did not pay to get to the country, but there are cases like this,” he completed.

“I did not question the reasons why they came to the country. Argentina is known for being a hospitable country”Rubilar said. “Several women are contacting me because the situation generated fearthe director of Migrations sought to generate fear “he concluded.

The mafia of Russian pregnant women

After the conflict in Migrations, the Federal Police deepened its investigation. For this, this weekend they broke up a gang in Puerto Madero that brought pregnant women to have children in the country.

This gang charged between 20 and 35 thousand dollars to the wealthy families of the European continent. In the raids, dollars and elements to falsify passports were found.

The most powerful seduction weapon was the granting of Argentine citizenship in record time.

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