On the occasion of back to schoolthe Catholic church He called for reflection on the shared responsibilities that the parents, teachers and the community educationalsince education is the pillar on which our world is built futureand demands a comprehensive approach.
In his editorial in the weekly From Faith, warns that in the face of the world’s challenges, Pope Francis maintains that education is a means that should lead us to three levels of courage: that of placing the person at the center, that of investing energies with creativity y responsibilityand that of training available people who will serve the community.
“We call on you to join in establishing an educational alliance, as requested by the Holy Fatherwhich forms mature people, capable of overcoming fragmentations and contradictions and rebuilding the fabric of relationships to have a more fraternal humanity“, he said.
In this sense, he shared a decalogue for the return to school where he highlights: Instill respect for others; eradicate violence and the culture of death; provide mental and emotional care; strengthen identity; promote discipline and responsibility.
In addition, organizing times; giving an example of good behavior; promoting teamwork and breaking individualism; as well as strengthening the alliance school-family and finally foster love for the environment.
2024-08-27 15:54:29