For the success of the transition and the good of the Malian people: The RDS and YELEMA parties join hands

by time news

Read the joint statement from the meeting on Saturday March 04, 2023 between the two political parties


Ln Saturday, March 04, 2023, at the headquarters of the RDS (Rally for Development and Solidarity), Mali’s historic Solidarity party, a strong delegation from the YELEMA party, “the Change”, led by its President, Dr. Youssouf DIAWARA was received by a strong delegation from the Rassemblement pour le Développement et la Solidarité (RDS) led by its President, Pr El Hajj Younouss HamèyeDICKO.

During this meeting which took place in an atmosphere of conviviality, fraternity and respect, the two parties discussed their bilateral relations, the national and international situation of the Malian Nation.

After these open exchanges on all these themes, a common vision emerged between the two political parties.

This is how our parties:

– Welcomed their convergence of views and objectives;

– Agreed on the need to support the transition process truthfully and transparently for its success and for the good of the Malian people;

– Agreed on the urgent need for a working synergy of the political parties in the face of the security situation, political and institutional reforms, the construction of citizenship and general governance to give better visibility to the transition process;

– Have decided to combine their intelligent efforts to contribute to the success of all these reforms and the improvement of the positive impact of political formations on the life of the Nation;

– Are determined to draw up a Social Pact.

Finally, we decided to set up a Joint Working Committee to deepen discussions on the issues addressed.



Pr El Hajj Younouss Hamèye DICKO

For YELEMA, Change


Dr. Youssouf Diawara

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