For travelers to Italy: an alarm may be required

by time news

2023-06-21 22:27:46

Italy is also a popular destination for Hungarians, and one of the most popular beaches, Jesolo, is about 700 km away by car. Many, however, also accept more distant destinations. We try to help them with advice.

The country is visited by a large number of tourists throughout the year for beach holidays or cultural programs. According to recent experience, foreigners can become victims of car break-ins and thefts even more often.

The consular service, for example, draws special attention to this. If the tourist is traveling with a passport and an identity card, it is advisable to keep the two travel documents in different places. On Italian roads, it is worth paying extra attention to the observance of traffic rules, with particular regard to entering traffic-restricted zones and the speed limit, which the authorities check with mobile and fixed devices. The fixed measuring points operate within the framework of the system called Tutor and Autovelox, and are usually indicated by a notice board in advance.

On highways, the Tutor’s special feature is that it measures the average speed between the two control gates. Violations are, by definition, assessed afterwards, so it is common for Hungarian citizens to be notified of the fine months after the visit.

Italy is also a popular destination for Hungarians, and one of the most popular beaches, Jesolo, is about 700 km away by car. Many, however, also accept more distant destinations. We try to help them with advice.

The country is visited by a large number of tourists throughout the year for beach holidays or cultural programs. According to recent experience, foreigners can become victims of car break-ins and thefts even more often. The consular service, for example, draws special attention to this. If the tourist is traveling with a passport and an identity card, it is advisable to keep the two travel documents in different places. On Italian roads, it is worth paying extra attention to the observance of traffic rules, with particular regard to entering traffic-restricted zones and the speed limit, which the authorities check with mobile and fixed devices. The fixed measuring points operate within the framework of the system called Tutor and Autovelox, and are usually indicated by a notice board in advance. On highways, the Tutor’s special feature is that it measures the average speed between the two control gates. Violations are, by definition, assessed afterwards, so it is common for Hungarian citizens to be notified of the fine months after the visit.

Italian police
Italian traffic regulations strictly penalize speeding, depending on the degree of speeding. 41-169 euros for exceeding 10 km/h, 169-679 euros for exceeding 10-40 km/h, 531-2125 euros for exceeding 40-60 km/h, 828-3313 for exceeding 60 km/h you can expect a fine of EUR, and in the latter two cases, your driver’s license will also be revoked.

The collection of fines is usually carried out by claims management companies, and the notice is forwarded with a cover letter in English, but sometimes in Hungarian, the authenticity of which can be checked in most cases with a QR code or with the provided username/password on the company’s website. The way to access the recording of the violation is usually included in the notice.

Traffic fines become statute-barred in five years, however, with regard to overdue tolls, it is possible that you will receive a warning for speeding older than this. The reason for this is that the highway maintenance and debt collection companies treat the arrears as a simple debt according to the Italian Civil Code, and therefore count on a ten-year statute of limitations.

It is very important, the number plates are identified automatically, so it happens that a vehicle with the same format as the Hungarian license plate, but bearing the official marking of another member state, is identified as Hungarian, and thus the Hungarian citizen is notified of the violation. If you received the fine due to incorrect identification, be sure to contact the collection company or the authority at the contact details provided in the letter. It is advisable to attach a photograph of your own vehicle and a copy of the driver’s license to the complaint.

The notification of the traffic fine should not be ignored in any way, because if someone does not raise an objection, the illegally imposed fine can be enforced.

When renting a car, you should take care that the cars usually do not have a permit to enter the inner areas of the historic cities, which are subject to traffic restrictions. If the tourist enters here with a rented car, the penalty will be collected later through the rental company. The penalty – in the case of multiple notices – can be several hundred euros.

More and more people are visiting Sicily, where there are direct flights. In Catania, the smaller but generally affordable car rental companies promise the following: a credit card with the name of the driver embossed on it is required for the rental. There must be enough money on this plastic sheet for the insurance deposit (950-1000 euros) and the advance deposit for fuel (around 150 euros). In the case of damage-free transport or a vehicle returned with a full tank, the lessor will send these amounts to the bank account within a few days after delivery.

It is also important to know that a reflective vest is a mandatory accessory in vehicles, and you can only use a speakerphone while driving.

Driving into the centers of big cities during the busiest periods is only possible with prior permission. The closed area is marked with signs, and a recording is made of the license plates of the cars. If someone passes through the checkpoints without authorization, they can be fined more than 100 euros.

The installation of an alarm device is mandatory when transporting children under 4 years of age! Italy has determined this in a unique way in the world for vehicles that transport people of this age. In addition, children under the age of 4 can only travel in a child seat. The alarm sounds if the driver moves away from the child left in the car. In the absence of an alarm device, a penalty of 80 to 326 euros can be imposed. The device can be purchased for 20-50 euros, it can also be purchased at highway rest stops and gas stations.

It can be read on the website.

#travelers #Italy #alarm #required

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