”for virtuous and inclusive governance” – Info-Matin

by time news

It is a Prime Minister without complex who spoke this Saturday, March 4, 2023 at the podium of the 5th conference of the least developed countries which is being held in Doha, Qatar. Presenting the facade of the Malian Transition, Choguel Kokalla Maiga praised the colossal efforts made to strengthen the operational capacities of the Malian Defense and Security Forces engaged in the merciless fight against terrorists; with the eloquent successes that we know, with the rendering harmless of many terrorists, of their sanctuaries and logistic bases. It is therefore a Mali which is gradually reestablishing its authority over its entire territory, which is reinstalling its administration and its basic services there with returning populations that the Prime Minister has presented to the world.
Alongside the security commitment, the Prime Minister also presented the vast project of political and institutional reforms in which the government is engaged with a view to rebuilding the Malian state.
“This process, he said, is part of a virtuous and inclusive governance, able to ensure lasting stability of institutions and a better future for the Malian people, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Refoundation Meetings ( ANR)”. What about the return to constitutional order? The Head of Government reassures Mali’s partners and the international community present at the Doha conference that “the Government of Mali, in accordance with the commitments made with regional and sub-regional organizations, remains determined to organize credible and transparent elections, according to the timetable agreed for a return to constitutional order. Here is the speech in full:

At the Summit on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Doha, Qatar, March 4, 2023
His Excellency the President of the Republic of Malawi, Chairman of the Summit,
His Highness Emir of Qatar,
Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Allow me at the start of my remarks to convey to you the cordial and fraternal greetings of the people of Mali, headed by His Excellency Colonel Assimi GOITA, President of the Transition, Head of State, who honor to appoint me to represent it at this Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
I would also like to address, on behalf of the people of Mali and myself, my sincere thanks to His Highness Sheikh Tamin bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, to the Government and to the people of Qatar for the warm welcome and for all the conveniences reserved for the Malian delegation, since our arrival in this beautiful city of Doha.
After the successful organization of the 2022 World Cup, Qatar still offers the world its legendary great hospitality and its commitment to just and noble causes. Thank you to the brotherly and friendly people of Qatar, to its Government and its senior leaders.
The delegation of Mali extends to you, Mr. President Lazarus McCarty Chakwera and ladies and gentlemen of the officers, its warm congratulations for your leadership of the least developed countries.
Mali welcomes the holding of this Summit, particularly at this crucial time when we are beginning the decade of action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Indeed, let us have the courage to recognize it, the progress recorded in the implementation of the Istanbul Program of Action has been timid and for the most part called into question by the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has severely felt by the Least Developed Countries, due to their macroeconomic vulnerability to endogenous and exogenous shocks.
We must have a long-term vision, for the next ten years, and be more ambitious in our common desire to lay the foundations for a new cooperation framework for the development of the Least Developed Countries. As a distinguished son of Africa, President Nelson Mandela, said, I quote: “Any action that does not flow from a vision is a waste of time. Any vision followed by action can change the world”. This is what the LDCs need to ensure their development and to get out of poverty. South-South cooperation is essential in this regard.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Mali remains firmly committed to the implementation of programs in favor of the Least Developed Countries. Thus, to speak only of the Istanbul Action Program 2011-2020, my country adopted, in December 2011, the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (CSCRP) 2012-2017.
Subsequently, the efforts made made it possible to put in place a single reference framework for the implementation of development policies and strategies, called the Strategic Framework for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development (CREDD) 2019-2023.
However, I must recognize that the operationalization of this reference system took place in a particularly difficult context, marked by the political and security crisis in Mali and in certain countries of the region. This situation has been aggravated by health crises, such as the Ebola virus fever epidemic and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, with harmful consequences for our populations and our economy.
Indeed, as you know, my country, Mali, has been going through a multidimensional and complex crisis since 2012, fueled by terrorism and trafficking of all kinds. However, the development of a country remains dependent on its lasting stability.
This is why, under the authority of His Excellency Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, President of the Transition, Head of State, and through his relevant guidelines, the Government of Mali is working to restore peace and security on the entire national territory.
Also, the Government continues to deploy significant efforts aimed at strengthening the operational capacities of the Malian defense and security forces. I can assure you that these actions are giving very encouraging results on the ground, with many terrorists, their sanctuaries and logistic bases being put out of harm’s way. These efforts have made it possible to gradually restore the authority of the State, to ensure the return, step by step, of State services, basic social services and to protect our populations and their property.
Alongside these security measures, the Government is resolutely engaged in a process of political and institutional reforms, with a view to rebuilding the Malian state. This process is part of a virtuous and inclusive governance, able to ensure lasting stability of institutions and a better future for the people of Mali, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Refoundation Conference (ANR), held in December 2021.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This is also the place for me to recall that the Government of Mali, in accordance with the commitments made with regional and sub-regional organizations, remains determined to organize credible and transparent elections, according to the agreed timetable for a return to constitutional order.
Similarly, the Government is working to implement the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, resulting from the Algiers process, Chapter III of which is devoted to the development of the northern regions of our country.

Mister President,
Distinguished participants,
As you can see, these are very ambitious projects at the national level, the realization of which also requires the support of Mali’s regional and international partners.
It is in this respect that, like the other Least Developed Countries, Mali places great hope in the Doha Action Programme. Indeed, this new cooperation framework for the next ten (10) years contains measures aimed at removing obstacles to international trade and competitiveness, including the thorny issue of energy and transport infrastructure, restrictions on import and export.
Following this dynamic, the implementation of the Enhanced Integrated Framework Program in favor of the least developed countries has enabled Mali to strengthen the commercial dimension in development policies and strategies, particularly with regard to the strengthening of the supply capacities of national products with strong export potential. In this sense, Mali is part of the dynamics of the implementation of the third phase of the said program.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Is it necessary to remember that my country, Mali, is both a developing country, but also a landlocked country and is bearing the full brunt of the harmful impacts of climate change at the origin of numerous inter-community conflicts and numerous vulnerabilities? ecological and economical.
Furthermore, like all countries in these categories, Mali is concerned about inflation, the low level of foreign direct investment, high energy costs, the volatility of financial markets and the disruption of supply chains and transport. Nevertheless, the sound management of public finances has led to a significant increase in budget revenue, control of public expenditure and an improvement in its quality.
It is therefore important to promote a chain of solidarity and international justice, to remove the obstacles to the development of the least developed countries. The Doha Action Program is a coherent response to this strong demand.
It is now up to us to work together on its diligent and effective application for the next ten (10) years, with a view to improving the living conditions of our populations, in particular the most vulnerable.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Following the successful organization of the 2022 Football World Cup, the holding of this forum clearly indicates the increasingly important role that the State of Qatar wants to play in the concert of Nations.
For its part, the Government of Mali remains ready to cooperate with all partners to help achieve together the objectives agreed in the new Doha Agenda, obviously in compliance with the three principles defined by His Excellency Colonel Assimi GOITA, President of the Transition, Head of State, namely: respect for the sovereignty of Mali, respect for the strategic choices and partnerships made by Mali and the defense of the vital interests of the Malian populations in all decisions taken.
Thank you for your kind attention.

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