Ford patents mind-controlled steering system

by time news

S. M.



Drive through the mind? It sounds like science fiction, but it could become reality after the curious patent filed by Ford, which uses brain scanners to anticipate decisions the driver might make. Under the title ‘Chassis Input Intention Prediction Via Brain Machine Interface’, the engineers of the American brand detail a system that uses a computer interface to predict behavior of the driver. Although it is unlikely that it will end up being integrated into production cars, at least in the medium term.

Specifically, the system does not replace the traditional steering wheel or pedals like self-driving cars, but instead uses brain scanners to anticipate decisions the driver might make and adjust vehicle settings, including autonomous emergency braking and ‘steering’. adaptive forward’ in that sense.

What’s more, according to Autocasión, the technology could be used for complete telepathic driving or to help active safety systems and determine if the driver has detected an obstacle.

‘This is a method of controlling a vehicle using a brain-machine interface (BMI) device. In this design, this interface would be integrated into the headrest“explains the brand. “ICM is a technology that enables humans to provide commands to computers using human brain activity,” he continues, “and this system enables decoding of activity to translate the firing patterns of neurons in the user’s brain. into discrete vehicle control commands.

“Recent advances in IMC technology have addressed aspects of vehicle control using IMCs. One aspect of such vehicle control includes determining the driver’s intent to gauge the responsiveness of driver assistance.”

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