Foreign banks outstrip German bidders for federal bonds

by time news

Among banks in Frankfurt
Image: Lucas Bäuml

The VW finance division, Munich Hyp and SaarLB are drawing attention to themselves with board changes. Wells Fargo has to pay billions in fines, and Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank plans cautiously. Have you heard that…?

foreign banks to the federal government in the 116 auctions in 2022, the most bonds sold? The finance agency responsible for debt management leads Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank in fourth and fifth place. On the podium of the leading bidders are: the US bank JP Morgan at the top, followed by the British Barclays and the French BNP Paribas.

Alena Kretzberg will switch from Commerzbank to the finance division of VW on March 1, 2023 and become IT director?

in the Munich mortgage bank Louis Hagen resigns after thirteen years as CEO and Holger Horn takes over as CEO on January 1, 2023?

die US-Bank Wells Fargo pay another $3.7 billion in fines and compensation for illegally levied home and auto loan fees?

the Agricultural Rent Bank similar to the state bank KFW, but unlike the federal government expects a slightly lower refinancing requirement for 2023? In 2022, the state development bank for agriculture sold bonds for 11.8 billion euros, and 11 billion euros are planned for 2023.

Matthias Böckermember of the SaarLB Management Board since 2015, leaving the Landesbank at the end of January?

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