Foreign Ministry seeks new talents for the Foreign Service. Find out how to apply for the Foreign Service

by time news

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The Ministry of Foreign Relations has opened a call for a public and open contest of opposition and merits for 18 positions of Third Secretary. To apply, you just have to complete an online form between March 20 and 30, 2023 (until 11:59 p.m.). And don’t worry, when you complete the online registration, the system will generate a contest identification number for you.

In addition, although the mandatory requirement is to have a university degree of a career with a minimum of four years in duration, other titles such as postgraduate degrees, university teaching and knowledge of languages ​​contribute points in the assessment.

And what is the nominal salary?

As Third Secretary, you will have the function of representing the Republic and national interests in the fulfillment of your duties both in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the Missions abroad. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs they report that it is $95,138 nominal.

Foreign Service officers They perform functions both in Montevideo and abroadin accordance with the terms established by current regulations and must rotate in the performance of their functions according to the Law No. 19,841 of 2019. The workload is a minimum of 40 hours per week and Foreign Service officials have a full dedication regime.

The way to ascend in the diplomatic career is through qualified seniority, merits and competitive examination. So this is your chance to join the Foreign Service and start a career in diplomacy. Remember that the contest has a merit assessment and several tests, so be prepared to demonstrate your full potential.

How to apply to work in the MRREE Foreign Service

You have to enter this link and start the process. To do this, you must have the following:

  • Have a User or another means of electronic identification or identity provider such as a digital Identity Card (it is necessary to have a card reader); Mobile Identity – Abitab; or TuID – Antel.
  • Have the electronic means to upload attachments in jpg or pdf format.

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