Foreign trade unions condemn the position of the director of the Dian on customs status – 2024-03-19 23:48:28

by times news cr

2024-03-19 23:48:28

Seven important foreign trade and logistics associations in Colombia have signed a joint statement rejecting the recent statements by the director of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian), Luis Carlos Reyes, on the country’s customs status.

In the statement, the associations expressed their commitment to the fight against smuggling and their willingness to collaborate in this regard, recognizing the serious economic repercussions that smuggling has for the nation. However, they expressed their deep disagreement with the statements of Reyes, who suggested that the current customs statute is designed to favor smugglers.

The associations, which include the Foreign Trade Association, the Association of International Airlines in Colombiathe Colombian American Chamber, the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters, among others, pointed out that the statements of the director of the Dian are unfair and generalized, wrongly implicating the private sector of foreign trade and the previous administrations of the entity as accomplices of smuggling. .

Foreign trade businessmen highlighted that increases in tariff rates, excessive formal requirements and the discretion of customs officials are the true causes of the increase in smuggling in the country. Instead of addressing these fundamental issues, the director of the Dian has proposed a new reform to the customs statute, which has generated concern and rejection by the unions.

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In response to criticism, Luis Carlos Reyes used his account on a social network to clarify his comments, stating that at no time did he intend to imply that the unions were responsible for the design of the customs statute or smuggling in the country. However, his response has not been enough to calm the tensions generated by his statements.

The proposal to modify the customs statute, which seeks to transfer customs control to the place of arrival and require the advance presentation of declarations for all imports, has been harshly criticized by the unions, who argue that it will generate greater difficulties and operating costs in the foreign trade without effectively addressing the problem of smuggling.

In the midst of this scenario of tensions, it is clear that dialogue between the private sector and customs authorities is essential to find effective solutions that promote legitimate trade and combat smuggling in a comprehensive manner. However, to achieve this, it is necessary for the parties involved to work together, avoiding generalizations and promoting an environment of constructive collaboration.

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