Forética launches an initiative to promote responsible and sustainable artificial intelligence | Environmental News

by time news

2023-11-10 11:03:02

Forética launches the initiative ‘AI on ESG: Challenges and opportunities of Responsible Artificial Intelligence‘, which starts with a space for reflection and action to make visible the impact that ESG aspects have (environmental, social and good governance) in advances in artificial intelligence. The goal of the platform is to foster a future where artificial intelligence contributes to sustainability within an ethical framework and responsibility to people and the planet.

In the first phase of this project, a collective voice will be generated with the contributions of business leaders from all sectors of activity in Spain and recognized experts in this matter, incorporating their reflections and vision on the challenges and opportunities that the development of artificial intelligence raised from an ethical and sustainability point of view.

According to the general director of Forética, Germán Granda, “We are facing a technology that will play an absolutely transformative role and have a lot of potential when it comes to enriching our lives, not only professionally but also personally. Likewise, it is important to recognize that the speed in the emergence of AI, specifically Generative AI, also entails challenges that must be contemplated, anticipated, and that require urgent measures that have to do, especially, with ethics, with a use responsible for all parties, as well as with regulation that protects people and organizations”.

The current president of Forética and president of Microsoft Spain, Alberto Granados, inaugurates this space highlighting that “The development and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence is essential because these technologies have an enormous impact on environmental sustainability, society and the governance of organizations. Therefore, the definition of a responsible AI model that guarantees six fundamental principles in its development is critical: equity, reliability, inclusion, security and privacy, transparency and responsibility.”.

Also contributing to this project are voices such as Mercedes Oblanca, president of Accenture in Spain and Portugal; Horacio Morell, president of IBM Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel; Ignacio Elola, CEO of Grupo Lactalis Iberia; Eduardo San Miguel, CEO of Técnicas Reunidas; José Manuel González Huesa, director of Servimedia; Javier Bardají, CEO of Atresmedia Corporación; Aline Gómez-Acebo, Sustainability Director of Grupo ASISA; Lucía Velasco, member of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI); José Luis Bonet, president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce; Fernando Móner, president of the Valencian Consumers Association (AVACU); Leonardo Marcos González, general director of the Civil Guard; Xavier Gangonells, general director of the Spanish Association of Managers; Ricardo Palomo, professor and dean at CEU San Pablo University; José Luis Fernández, director of the Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics at the Pontifical University of Comillas; Joan Fontrodona, Ordinary Professor of Business Ethics and Holder of the CaixaBank Chair of Sustainability and Social Impact at IESE Business School; and Belén López, Professor at ESIC University; among others who will be joined by new leaders in the coming days.

Within the framework of this initiative, Forética is working on a manifesto for responsible Artificial Intelligence, based on the main international references, to which companies can adhere. In addition, starting in January, it will launch a community of business practice to contrast proposals, challenges and use cases to accelerate sustainability, which will be joined by leading companies and organizations committed to the matter.

Source: Forética

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