Forever Chemicals Linked to Ovarian Cancer and Melanoma: New Research Raises Health Concerns

by time news

Forever Chemicals Linked to Ovarian Cancer and Melanoma in Women, New Study Finds

Forever chemicals, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), have been detected in various everyday items such as tap water and car seats. Emerging research has already associated these chemicals with serious health conditions, including obesity, infertility, lowered immune function, and high blood pressure. Now, a recently funded government study has found even more potential health concerns to add to this list. According to the study published in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, forever chemicals are associated with an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer, melanoma, and other types of cancer in women.

In the United States, rates of ovarian cancer have been slowly declining while melanoma cases have been on the rise. The study aims to uncover the connection between forever chemicals and cancer, as well as provide insights on how individuals can mitigate their risks.

The study analyzed over 10,000 adults who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2005 and 2018. Researchers examined the medical records of the participants and measured the concentrations of PFAS and phenols (compounds commonly used for disinfection) in their blood. The findings revealed that women previously diagnosed with melanoma, ovarian cancer, or uterine cancer had higher levels of forever chemicals and phenols in their blood compared to those without these diagnoses.

Specifically, the data highlighted that women with higher exposure to perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDE) had twice the odds of being diagnosed with melanoma. Additionally, women exposed to perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUA) were nearly twice as likely to have a previous melanoma diagnosis. Furthermore, women previously diagnosed with uterine cancer were found to have higher levels of PFNA.

Forever chemicals are not uncommon in the United States. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that 97% of Americans have PFAS in their blood. Additionally, research conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in August discovered that 45% of tap water in the country is contaminated with these chemicals.

According to study co-author Max Aung, assistant professor in the division of environmental health at the University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, further examination is needed to fully comprehend the impact of these chemicals on health. Previous animal and in vitro studies have indicated that PFAS can interfere with hormone function, immune system response, liver function, and metabolism, all of which could influence an individual’s cancer risk.

However, Dr. Robert Wenham, chair of Moffitt Cancer Center’s department of gynecologic oncology, urges caution when interpreting the study results. While the study identifies links between elevated blood levels of PFAS and the likelihood of past cancer diagnoses, it does not establish that these forever chemicals cause cancer. Wenham emphasizes that this study provides a basis for future research to explore any cause-and-effect relationship.

Wenham also highlights that the impact of PFAS exposure on cancer risk may be moderate when compared to other known risk factors for these cancers. For instance, the odds of developing endometrial cancer with higher PFAS exposure are 1.55, while the odds are almost 40 times higher in individuals with obesity.

Although the exact mechanisms through which forever chemicals increase the risk of certain cancers are not definitively understood, they may affect hormone levels or interact with DNA, leading to errors and mutations that can result in cancer.

Given the prevalence of PFAS exposure, actively reducing these chemicals in daily life might be challenging. However, Aung advises minimizing the use of products such as nonstick cookware and food packaging containers. Additionally, he suggests utilizing water filters that can reduce PFAS contamination in drinking water, pointing to the Environmental Working Group’s guide as a valuable resource.

Nonetheless, Wenham emphasizes that there are other crucial actions individuals can take to lower the risk of developing these cancers, which may have a more significant impact than merely reducing PFAS exposure. These include minimizing sun exposure to prevent melanoma, wearing sunscreen when necessary, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking.

While the recent study does not prove causation between forever chemicals and specific types of cancer, it establishes a correlation that experts believe should be further investigated. Aung states that the study’s findings prioritize these chemicals as crucial factors for future examinations concerning environmental risk factors for cancer.

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