Forge Tijuana Youth Police young people with values ​​| Tijuana News

by time news

2023-07-16 03:17:07

Tijuana, BC- The Tijuana Youth Police will celebrate its 63rd anniversary, a group that works with a priority program promoted by Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, through the Municipal Citizen Security and Protection Secretariat (SSPCM).

The head of the Secretariat, Fernando Sánchez González, stressed that the program offers children and youth opportunities for emotional, academic, sports and cultural growth.

Sánchez González stressed that the most important thing for the XXlV City Council in terms of security is to have multiple programs that allow them to go to communities, especially in vulnerable areas, where they seek to support minors at risk so that they can get ahead. with effort and values.

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The Secretary of Security commented that currently the Youth Police has 1,266 members who enthusiastically carry out activities of physical exercise, music, civic and moral values ​​every weekend.

He said that this program has been serving the public for decades, with thousands of success stories of minors who fulfilled their dream growing up, such as officer María Luisa Munguía, who started in the Youth Police and today is the director of Crime Prevention in Tijuana Municipal Police.

The official mentioned that regarding art, the SSPCM supports and encourages talent, such as the squadron’s musicians who perform in shopping malls, schools, and cultural events.

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He announced that next week, the Municipal Government will hold an event to celebrate 63 years of forging citizens with values ​​in the Youth Police.

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