‘Forget-me-not’ plant: the best tips and care for flowering

by time news

The flowers of ‘Myosotis’ are captivating. This wild species also looks ornamental. If you have one in your garden, take note of the attention it deserves.

'Forget-me-not' plant: the best tips and care for flowering

Last update: February 14, 2023

The “forget-me-not” plant captivates with its colored flowers, subtle pattern and the basic care it demands. Just the facility to serve it makes it one of the favorites for gardens or inside the home.

Of this vegetable, also called “raspilla”, its ability to withstand hostile environments stands out. A quality that tends to be underestimated, due to its compact and decorative appearance.

Attractiveness is not exclusive to appearance; behind it there is a romantic story that gave rise to its name and that, to this day, captivates lovers of floriculture. Let’s learn more about the subject.

‘Forget-me-not’, a plant full of meanings

“Forget-me-not” is the name given to the flowers that sprout from the genus Myosotisfamily owned Boraginaceae. It was baptized in this way by the German legend that tells the story of 2 lovers.

According to the popular story, a lady saw that a beautiful flower was floating in the waters of the Danube, so she asked her suitor to rescue it and bring it back for her. Without hesitation, the man entered the river in search of that flower; he reached for her, but failed to get out of the water. And before drowning he would have said to his beloved: «don’t forget me», which in Spanish means «Don’t forget me».

Another denotation originated from the Masonic lodges in Germany, which gave the raspilla flower the symbolic character of resistance against Nazism. They adopted the 5 blue forget-me-not petals as their emblem.

The common raspilla flowers are bluish with a yellow center, although there are also purple, pink and white ones.

The flowers of this plant are so striking that it is impossible not to want to have them in the garden.

Peculiarities and benefits of the ‘forget-me-not’ plant

He Virtual Herbarium of the Western Mediterranean Draw the plant as a branched, leafy herb with some hairiness. It consists of leaves that are longer than they are wide, petiolate and ranging from 2 to 13 centimeters in length.

There are at least 100 species of raspillas that, according to canary flowerThey differ by tone. Likewise, the varieties created by breeders of Myosotis show singularities of cultivation, according to the colors of their petals.

For example, the white alb and the indigo blue are for pots or borders; dark blue and mauve pink are for pots, borders or rock gardens; while the light pink is for rock gardens or borders.

The flowering of «forget-me-not» is annual or perennial, giving the latter in spring. The plant does not exceed 80 centimeters in height, while the flower itself is about 1 centimeter.

Regarding the benefits, the Journal of Plant Physiology highlights the potential of natural oil extracts from Myosotis to create essences that contribute to the inhibition of bacterial microorganisms.

Recommendations for beautiful flowering ‘forget-me-nots’

Although the raspilla does not require intense care, it is worth knowing what are the tips that favor the development and bushy flowering. Let’s inquire about it.


For bushy flowering, the appropriate thing is to locate the plant in an area where it receives sunlight or there is semi-shade. Remember that it is a species of wild roots, so it does well outdoors.

But if you will have it inside the house, put it near a window, on the balcony, or take it out to receive sun for at least 3 hours. Environments with low lighting affect its flowering.


The reproduction of “forget-me-not” is through seeds that should be sown in early spring, either directly in the ground or in a pot. Before planting let them soak in water for 24 hours; After the period, eliminate those that do not float, because they will not germinate.

Then take the seeds to a small container that acts as a seedbed and that is perforated in the walls, so that the water drains. Add substrate and insert the seeds 1 centimeter deep.

Water and wait 2 weeks to see germination. Once the vegetable is at least 4 inches tall, transplant it to its final location.


The forget-me-not plant ask for nutrient-rich compost, preferably organic. Some favorable preparations for the land of the Myosotis They are those that contain earthworm humus.

On the other hand, diluting fertilizers with potassium in irrigation, every week and a half, enhances flowering. Of course, in winter completely omit or reduce fertilization with special substances.


In spring-summer moisturizes Myosotis every 2 days or advance the process according to the characteristics of the soil. In winter and autumn, distance the watering to 2 times a week, so as not to flood the earth or make the bush sick.

The purpose is to keep the substrate moist, but without excess. To find out if it still has plenty of moisture, insert a wooden toothpick into the ground and if it comes out muddy, it’s because it has enough water.

The plant cannot get flooded, but it does need moisture for flowering.


Specimens of “forget-me-not” withstand low temperatures. However, it is better that you protect them from the wind.

disease prevention

Like any plant, forget-me-nots are not exempt from getting sick. Snails, slugs and powdery mildew are frequent conditions in this species. Not reacting in time increases the probability that the specimen will wither.

To prevent the invasion of the fungus, in the first instance, appeal to homemade preparations that mix baking soda, liquid soap and water; when the disease advances, it is appropriate to prune the infected parts and spray fungicide.

Regarding the elimination of molluscs, it is appropriate to apply molluscicide.

An extra love for the ‘forget-me-not’ plant

It is not necessary that the plant is infected to remove the withered leaves. In fact, Frequent pruning helps preserve nutrients that requires flourishing.

It is an additional and flattering affection for the species. The success of this advice is to execute the cuts above a quarter of the leaves; thus, the buds of this variety of Boraginaceae They will look lush.

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