“Forget the End of the Pandemic: Vulnerable Populations with Weakened Immune Systems Still Need Protection Against Covid-19; Call for Accelerated Approval of New Prophylactics Grows Louder in Switzerland”

by time news

2023-04-28 10:25:00

For large parts of the population, the pandemic is over. Not so for vulnerable people with weakened immune systems. They have to protect themselves from infection and sometimes withdraw. Now the call for accelerated approval of new prophylactics against Covid-19 is becoming louder.

Published: 04/28/2023, 10:25 am

Christoph Bernet / ch media

Alone with a mask: Immunosuppressed people miss social solidarity.

Bild: Shutterstock

The wastewater data show it: Sars-CoV-2 circulates heavily in Switzerland. Despite the spring, the hidden corona wave is not abating, as reported by CH Media last week. Nevertheless, the pandemic is over for many in everyday life. The hospitals are only registering isolated admissions for Covid infections, and the immunity of the population is high.

But the pandemic and its terror are not over for everyone. Especially not for people who are considered high-risk patients due to previous illnesses or other reasons and who want to prevent a Covid infection. In addition, many of them have a weakened immune system. This can be due to certain diseases, therapies or hereditary conditions. After a vaccination or a previous infection, they hardly build up antibodies against Sars-CoV-2.

“These people are currently being forgotten,” says David Haerry. The 62-year-old has been living with the HI virus for 40 years. He is co-founder and Chair of the Positive Council, a professional body that advocates for the interests of people living with HIV and hepatitis.

Haerry has studied infectious diseases and their effects for many years. He understands that the vast majority of the population “is fed up with Covid”. But the situation is different for immunocompromised risk patients. Many of them have no choice but to avoid crowds and wear a mask: “I have an acquaintance with multiple sclerosis who almost always sits at home for fear of infection and even avoids hospital visits,” says Haerry.

“Social solidarity has disappeared”

28-year-old Anna Troelsen doesn’t limit herself quite so much. The law student and law firm employee was diagnosed with arthritis and scoliosis at the age of 14. Cortisone-related osteoporosis caused by the treatment later developed.

Anna Troelsen, 28.

Image: zvg

Although Troelsen goes out of the house and among people, he always asks before being invited whether any of the participants are sick. “During the intensive phase of the pandemic, it was a matter of course that, even if you had mild symptoms of illness, you would stay at home in case of doubt so as not to endanger others. Today I am called a hysteric in some places when I ask about it, »says Troelsen. From such experiences, she notices that social solidarity with high-risk patients and those with immunosuppression has dwindled.

Last autumn, the drug authority Swissmedic approved an antibody combination from the manufacturer Astrazeneca marketed under the name Evusheld. This drug for Covid-19 prophylaxis gave vulnerable people with a weakened immune system hope for a short time to participate safely in social life.

But with the mutation of the virus, the effectiveness of Evusheld has been lost. The US drug agency FDA even withdrew the drug’s approval in January because it is no longer useful against the circulating virus variants. But in the meantime, a successor product to Evusheld, which is said to be effective against all virus variants, is in the test phase. Prophylaxis is to be provisionally approved in France shortly.

«The sooner accessible, the better»

With a non-partisan motion, National Councilor Verena Herzog (SVP/TG) is calling on the Federal Council to start negotiations on the procurement of the relevant drugs, following the French model, as soon as safety and pharmacological data are available. This should enable rapid access to new Covid prophylaxis. It reached the state government as early as March during question time in the National Council on this matter.

National Councilor Verena Herzog (SVP/TG) in August 2021 in Bern.

Bild: keystone

Herzog does not accept the reference by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) to the results of clinical studies that are still outstanding. “The faster new therapies are accessible, the sooner those affected are protected again and can work and participate in social life again,” says Herzog. In addition, the authorities would have to point out the new prophylactic options sufficiently and at an early stage.

David Haerry of the Positive Council supports the call. Switzerland generally has a problem with the approval rate for medicines and vaccinations against infectious diseases. This was shown, for example, with the monkeypox vaccination. There is no emergency authorization and accelerated procedures are only possible to a very limited extent.

On request, the Swissmedic therapeutic products authority refers to the legal basis in the Covid Ordinance and the Therapeutic Products Act. These allowed new drugs to be administered to the immunocompromised and others under conditions or as part of efficacy studies before the formal approval process was completed. According to its own information, the Federal Office of Public Health is closely following the development of new Covid-19 prophylaxis and is in exchange with various manufacturers.

Anna Troelsen also welcomes accelerated and simplified approval procedures. She also had sometimes severe side effects with regularly approved drugs. In particular, people at risk who are excluded from social life without Covid prophylaxis should be allowed to carry out an individual risk assessment with medical advice: “I think it’s wrong if we are categorically and unnecessarily long deprived of a drug that may bring great relief.” (aargauerzeitung.ch)

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