“Former ADMK Minister Jayakumar highlights state of emergency in Tamil Nadu with rampant corruption and breakdown of law and order leading to 10 murders in one week, in a plea to Home Minister for action and calls for ADMK’s return to power in 2026 elections.”

by time news

Former ADMK minister Jayakumar spoke to reporters after the party’s consultative meeting in Rayapuram, Chennai. He stated that ADMK plays a part in the National Democratic Alliance and the alliance led by BJP in Tamil Nadu. Edappadi Palaniswami paid a courtesy visit to the Home Minister after taking over as General Secretary. The situation in Tamil Nadu is concerning, with a ‘mini’ state of emergency being declared. There is no free speech or freedom of expression, and law and order has deteriorated with ten murders occurring in Tiruvallur in the last week, including the murder of a witness to the activity of sand mafias. The media is also not protected, with a man who filmed a raid being beaten and kicked. Jayakumar brought these issues to the attention of the Home Minister, along with rampant corruption in Tamil Nadu, including the need for investigation into Finance Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan’s conversation by the CBI and Enforcement Directorate. The Home Minister assured appropriate action would be taken, including investigation into ministers who have accumulated wealth. Jayakumar also criticized the BJP for downplaying insults to Tamil Thai greetings in Karnataka and called for the state president to rebuke the administrator or face further action. He also accused Chief Minister M.K. Stalin of approving Rs.30,000 crore corruption and failing to fulfil election promises, causing discontent among the people. Jayakumar advocated for ADMK to come to power and improve the economy with creative plans as MGR and Jayalalitha did.


After the party’s consultative meeting in Rayapuram, Chennai, former ADMK minister Jayakumar said in an interview to reporters:-

ADMK in National Democratic Alliance plays a part. As for Tamil Nadu, A.D.M.K. In the alliance led by BJP plays a part. Edappadi Palaniswami has met the Home Minister as a courtesy after taking over as General Secretary. An unusual situation prevails in Tamil Nadu. A ‘mini’ state of emergency is being declared. No free speech. No freedom of expression. Law and order has broken down. 10 murders have taken place in Tiruvallur, Chennai district in the last one week. For the sand mafias to fly the flag, V.A.O. The witness was the incident of being hacked to death.

We have told the Home Minister about all this. Even the media is not protected. The man who filmed the raid at the ‘G Square’ office was beaten and kicked. This has never happened before. We have also taken it to the Home Minister about the rampant corruption in Tamil Nadu. We insisted that the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate should investigate the Finance Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan’s conversation. The Home Minister has also said that action will be taken. We have also given the list of ministers who have accumulated wealth to the Home Minister. We insisted that they be investigated. The Home Minister has said that appropriate action will be taken.

End point

Insulting Tamil Thai greetings in Karnataka is a big mistake. The BJP downplayed the meeting with Union Minister Amit Shah. State President Annamalai should rebuke the administrator. If not, we will have to take the next step. 4 people met the Home Minister on the basis of friendship party. But criticism of the meeting with the Union Minister after that cannot be allowed.

So Annamalai should put an end to criticism. The CBI or the enforcement department should take action and bring the truth stated by Finance Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan before the law. Chief Minister M.K.Stalin has given approval to Rs.30,000 crore corruption by keeping his mouth shut.

The party and the government were not under the control of M.K.Stal. In Tirunelveli, ruling party members are protesting against the mayor. He did not let the council run. This does not happen anywhere. Alcoholic beverages are allowed in wedding ceremonies planned to generate income for a family. In future they will arrange to carry liquor in mobile carts. People of Tamil Nadu will never accept DMK. People are so disgusted.

Impact on people

He did not fulfill the promises made during the election. Law and order problem, price hike, property tax hike, electricity bill hike, house tax hike, milk price hike, etc. When there are such damages, can people be replaced by money? The answer to people’s grievances is to send DMK home and ADMK in 2026. ADMK should come to power and in 40 parliamentary constituencies. It is to win.

This is what people think. They are saying that they will improve the economy in Tamil Nadu by bringing the one who is in London and the one who is in America, did MGR and Jayalalitha run politics with a foreign company? They thought intellectually. They came up with creative plans. They got the approval of the people. So now we are a great movement. But now they have come to the stage of buying even knowledge. That is the current state of Tamil Nadu.

This is what he said.

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