Former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont arrested in Sardinia

by time news

The former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont was arrested in Sardinia, where the independence leader had gone to participate in a series of meetings. This was reported by the Spanish media and the news of the arrest was also confirmed by his lawyer.

As we read on the Facebook page of the Catalan politician, the arrest took place atairport of Alghero. Puigdemont – which according to was transferred to prison a Sassari – had landed on the island because in the next few days he would have had to participate in the annual edition ofAdifolk, an international festival of Catalan popular culture.

Puigdemont should be made available to the team tomorrow judiciary, called to decide whether to release him or consent to his extradition in Spain, where legal proceedings are pending for the Indipendence declaration of Catalonia in 2017.

His lawyer Gonzalo Boye wrote on Twitter that Puigdemont was on his way to Sardinia “As an MEP”. His arrest, he argues, took place “on the basis of an international arrest warrant from 14 October 2019 which, by legal imperative – according to the statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union – has been suspended”.

The lawyer adds that the former number one of the Catalonia adding that “in the resolution of 30 July of the EU Court which endorsed the revocation of theparliamentary immunity by Puigdemont, the Spain he had guaranteed that no country would execute an arrest warrant of this type ”. In the same resolution, adds Boye, “the Vice-President of the Court had indicated that, where necessary, a new precautionary measure would be requested”. According to legal sources consulted by The country, the arrest warrant is still in force.

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