Former CEO calls for “retaliatory firing” from minister Cheikh Tidiane Dieye

by time news

In a press release signed by the “Phep Tawafekh” communication unit, Dr. Cheikh Dieng’s camp believes that Minister Cheikh Tidiane Dieng has his back against the wall. “He wrote a press release that he has signed by the ONAS communication unit that now works on Sundays. Its purpose is to counteract us for forgetting the essential problem of the over-the-counter markets, which intensify the debate, because we know that they are always open to any type of corruption, ”we say in the document that is “The response to the ONAS press release appointed by the Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation can be found in the attachments sent to journalists during the press briefing”: The press release specifies that “the budget lines of the project. Framed in red provides the entire support for the operation of the UCP. The list of all vehicle acquisitions is document number 2. Registration document in the name of the company running the PPP project.

So, the press release points out, there is nothing new in the debate. He recalls that Sheikh T. Dieye does not answer the central question, namely: “Did he negotiate 2 direct settlement contracts with Delta and VICAS to send them to ONAS for execution or not?” Did he fire the CEO of ONAS for refusing to comply with this injunction or not?

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