Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato Announces Candidacy for LDP Presidential Election

by time news

Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato (68) of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), representing Okayama’s 5th district and serving his 7th term, held a press conference within the Diet on the morning of the 10th, where he announced his candidacy for the party presidential election (announcement on the 12th, voting on the 27th). He is the eighth person to declare their intention to run for the presidential election, marking the first time Kato has challenged for the presidency.

Katsunobu Kato, former Chief Cabinet Secretary, announces his candidacy for the LDP presidential election and holds a press conference on the morning of the 10th within the Diet (Photo by Satoshi Tetsuki)

Kato emphasized his “Japan’s Comprehensive Contribution Plan,” centered on doubling national income, stating, “Investments will keep flowing, and economic growth will continue. I want to transform this into a hopeful country.” He further claimed, “With a strong determination, I must work to ensure a prosperous life for the citizens. I will definitely deliver results in a short period.”

Regarding the political funds scandal involving LDP factions, Kato explained that the Political Ethics Review Boards of both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors are asking for explanations from the involved members, and there are calls from the public for explanations as well. He assured that he would “push firmly for each member to fulfill their accountability” and mentioned that he is considering procedures to return amounts not reported in political fund income and expenditure reports to the national treasury.

◆ “Realize constitutional amendments that specify the Self-Defense Forces and emergency provisions”

Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato Announces Candidacy for LDP Presidential Election

Katsunobu Kato advocates for the ‘doubling of national income’ on the 10th at the Diet (Photo by Satoshi Tetsuki)

On the topic of optional different surnames for married couples, Kato stated, “While maintaining the family name system, we must first eliminate legal and social inconveniences. A ‘continuation of maiden name usage system,’ which recognizes the use of a surname before marriage as a legal surname rather than just a commonly used name, is also possible.” He added, “There is a need for extensive public discussion, and if I become president, I would like to responsibly provide an answer.”

Kato serves as the secretary-general of the LDP’s Constitutional Amendment Promotion Headquarters. Regarding constitutional amendments, he stated, “I want to collaborate with parties that share the same direction to realize constitutional amendments that specify the Self-Defense Forces and emergency provisions.”

Journalists asked about the imminent discontinuation of new health insurance card issuances set for December 2. The timing for discontinuation was decided when Kato was the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Kato acknowledged, “It is true that there are various concerns,” and pointed out, “We must not stop our efforts to advance society toward DX (Digital Transformation) while responding flexibly.”

◆ Toshimitsu Motegi from the Motegi faction also announces candidacy

Present at the press conference were House of Representatives members Kozo Nishime, Toshiko Abe, and Gaku Hashimoto.

Kato belongs to the Motegi faction, which has decided to dissolve, and the faction’s chairman, Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi (68), who represents Tochigi’s 5th district and is serving his 10th term, has also declared his candidacy.

Kato comes from the Ministry of Finance (now the Ministry of Finance). Due to his father-in-law, former Agriculture Minister Kato Rokkaku, having been a close aide to former Foreign Minister Shin Tarō Abe, Kato has maintained a close relationship with former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the son of Shin Tarō Abe, and supported the second Abe administration as Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and as the party’s General Secretary. He served as Chief Cabinet Secretary during the Yoshihide Suga administration and was reappointed as Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare under the Kishida administration. (Yusuke Sato)

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