Former mayors of Edomex accuse Daniel Serrano of acts of corruption

by times news cr

2024-04-12 12:42:37

The former mayor of The Kings of Peace, Olga Medinaand the former municipal president of Teoloyucan, Gabriela Contrerasthey accused Daniel Serranowho seeks the municipal presidency of Cuautitlán Izcalli by Morena, of committing corrupt practices, mismanagement of public resources and even the sale of candidates.

The coalitionLet’s keep making history” recently published its list of candidates for the Mexico statewhere Serrano appears, who asked Olga Medina for 2 million pesos to be re-elected, said the former mayor of Los Reyes la Paz.

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“The 2 million that Daniel Serrano asks me for is the least important thing, because in reality his collusion with the governor will give him much more; and they are already beginning to pay him with the candidacy of Cuautitlán Izcalli,” he said in 2021.

For her part, the former municipal president of Teoloyucan, Gabriela Contreras, exhibited some audios, which were broadcast on social networks, where Serrano can be heard demanding 16 million pesos.

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“Six municipalities have to get everything from the state money… They tell us that they require the money because it is at the national level and they have not yet opened the money. So, Daniel demands that of me and even Darwin He tells me ‘I’ll send you an advisor to get money,’ is heard in the recording.


2024-04-12 12:42:37

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