Former minister Jean-Michel Blanquer becomes a lawyer in a Parisian firm

by time news

His professional retraining is now underway. Former Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer was sworn in on Monday to become a lawyer at the Paris Bar. With a degree in public law, he had never practiced as a lawyer before. He joined the Parisian firm Earth lawyers, as announced in a press release, “as a partner”. The site of the lawyers of the Paris bar also confirms his regular registration within it, as well as his date of taking the oath.

“This choice to turn to the legal profession and to join Earth Avocats marks a new stage in my commitment to promote the development of a fairer, more sustainable and more enterprising society for future generations. (…) It is a great satisfaction to be able to associate myself with a law firm of very high competence which, since its creation, defends values ​​and makes possible projects aimed precisely at this same ambition, “detailed the ex-minister in the press release.

Since his departure from the government and his defeat in the legislative elections in the 4th constituency of Loiret, Jean-Michel Blanquer has notably become a teacher at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas.

The HATVP validates, but has reservations

If this profession of lawyer is compatible with his former ministerial activity, according to the High Authority for the transparency of public life, Jean-Michel Blanquer will however have to refrain from handling certain files for a period of three years. Indeed, in order to avoid any illegal taking of interests, the HATVP enjoins him in a deliberation of October 4, 2022 to refrain “from delivering, directly or indirectly, services to companies” with which he would have worked in the framework of his ministerial activity. This runs until the expiry of a period of three years after the end of his functions, i.e. on May 20, 2025.

It is also recalled that Jean-Michel Blanquer is prohibited from disclosing any document or information of which he would have had knowledge within the framework of his ministerial functions, and this, without limit of duration. Finally, the High Authority suggests to him “to seize it before taking on as a client an organization belonging to the national education, youth and sports sectors”, during the period of incompatibility granted.

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