Former MK Osnat Mark attacks Galit Distel-Atbarian

by time news

Former member of the Knesset from the Likud, Asenat Markspoke today (Wednesday) with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko on their show on 103FM, attacked the statements of members of her party against the pilots who came out against the legal reform, and expressed her opinion regarding the continuation of the reform process.

At the beginning of the interview, Mark attacked the statements of the two MKs from the Likud: “Defends, IDF soldiers can write and say whatever they want, they are out of the conversation and they certainly don’t call pilots Nemushots and say they should go to hell, this is not acceptable to me and is not true. Distal Atbrien You don’t need to call them Nemushot because they are not Nemushot, take the IDF out of this political discourse.”

“When I don’t agree with something, I say it clearly. The pilots are the salt of the earth, we love them, we will not go against them, they are part of the people of Israel. We should not call them nemush, because they are not nemush, take the IDF out of this political discourse. I would be happy if the soldiers didn’t enter the conversation either, but even if they did, I would not call them names,” the former Knesset member continued.

Mark further emphasized: “This discourse is a dangerous discourse, the State of Israel is following all the demonstrations, and the right to demonstrate is fundamental, but when leaders stand on the stage who rail against the state and the economy and tell people to take out investments – they have crossed the line.” “When threats are made to the public, what investor will stay here? There are very extreme and anarchistic people among the demonstrators. If we don’t calm down and lower the level of the flames, it will go to a bad place in my opinion. You can debate politically and demonstrate, but don’t go against the state. It is important to all of us.” she added.

At the end of the interview, the former member of the Knesset concluded: “There is no doubt that the judicial system needs to be reformed, as a matter of fact, I think that dialogue is always a good thing if there is a proposal by the president that will be relevant, even though I hear that there is no dialogue. Stop the legislation? – No. From From Monday to next Monday there is a big window of opportunity, I hope they will take advantage of it.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103FM

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