Former Mossad leader criticizes and demands replacement of state head

by time news

The former head of the Mossad, Tamir Pardo, harshly criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stating that the Likud party needs to make the decision to replace its leader, regardless of any opposition from the Biden administration. Pardo claimed that Israel is suffering from a terrible leadership that is attempting to destroy the country and whose power is based on perpetrating injustices. He also criticized the government’s response to the protests, its roadblocks, and its dismissal of Minister of Defense Yoav Galant. Pardo warned that the weakening of the justice system could put Israeli soldiers and security personnel at risk of arrest by the International Court of Justice. He concluded by urging the Likud party to begin the recovery phase and avoid a terrible alternative.

The former head of the Mossad Tamir Pardo attacked the Prime Minister today (Wednesday). Benjamin Netanyahu And he claimed that “the time has come for the Likud party to make the self-evident decision, and regardless of what Biden says – a country that acts irrationally needs to replace its leader, preferably one hour before.”

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“What has happened to us in the last 3 months? A terrible rupture that can hardly be healed. Have we come to the end? We will not see. A destructive leadership is trying to destroy, to destroy the wonder called the State of Israel. Leaders whose entire power is built on correcting and perpetuating injustices. When they unfortunately lost The government refused to recognize this, and refused to pass legislation that is necessary for the State of Israel. And here came the day and they returned to the leather armchairs and the first move – ensuring the perpetuity of their rule through a coup d’état. Join them the Messiah who wants to burn Hvara, an amazing capture. They wanted everything at once – and then they were wrong all at once. And those millions from all walks of life understood that this was a coup, and said so much,” he added.

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According to him, “the dodgers’ government, who did not serve the country for one day, suddenly understood the plight and started calling the protesters ‘anarchist dodgers’. The Prime Minister and his government bear collective responsibility. It is appropriate for all the ministers, some of whom I know, to understand that they have direct responsibility for every decision and they cannot clear themselves of the decisions and say ‘we were not part of it.'”

The protest against the legal reform (photo: Police Spokesperson)

“A few days after Levin’s statement, they began to receive red lights from everywhere in the world – stop, you are going to destroy the country. The president of the country turns once, twice or three times and begs – stop. The country is on fire and week after week the demonstrations escalate – the cracks grow, the country is torn apart – and they, no They don’t care about anything. They rush forward,” he claimed. He also said that the roadblocks they set up this week in the north, where they checked which of the drivers supported it and which opposed it, are “like in the civil war in Lebanon – for the time being without weapons”.

Pardo addressed the concern that the weakening of the justice system would endanger the soldiers of the IDF and the security system abroad, including their arrest when the International Court of Justice in The Hague issues a “red alert” and said that “the issue of the principle of complementarity is critical. As soon as there is a red notice from the International Court of Justice in The Hague, IDF soldiers, officers or Shin Bet personnel – at that moment they will be arrested. I was very worried as the head of an agency and also as a former head of an agency – some people can be arrested anywhere in the world with one notice from The Hague “.

Purdue photo (photo: Yossi Zamir, Netanya Academic College)

Purdue photo (photo: Yossi Zamir, Netanya Academic College)

At the end of his remarks during the Dagan conference at the Netanya Academic College, he also referred to the dismissal of the Minister of Defense Yoav Galant And he said that “the event of Gallant’s dismissal is an unusual and rare event that I do not remember ever happening in the State of Israel. Gallant read the situation – and was removed. In any normal, western democratic country, any prime minister would stand up and resign on the same day. When British Prime Minister Cameron brought the Brexit issue to a vote and the public decided against him – he stood up and resigned at that moment.”

“The prime minister is a politician who came to serve the people. As soon as the people tell him ‘no’, he gets up and leaves. But week after week – and from all his advisers, he hears what is happening on the street, and Nada. This stop, the delay – they are doing us a favor by pausing The event is only to be seen if something can be achieved. But it is not enough. The same evening that the defense minister is fired, the defense establishment enters a vacuum. And one more thing – what does it mean that there is no dismissal letter? There is a minister who sits on the chair and makes decisions as if a dismissal letter is hoisted over his head,” he added.

He later assessed that “no intelligence assessment of the State of Israel will be at the point where it is today. It is still possible to prevent the success of the spider web theory. The largest party in the Knesset – it must now begin the recovery phase because the alternative to that is horrible and terrible.”

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